Taking SpaceWhen I’m angry about a situation, trying to take space to cool off never helps because I usually end up thinking about why I’m angry and rhetorically stylize my self-righteous indignation.
Robots, White SupremacyAs the writing process helps me to become somewhat more conscious of my anger, I notice that I am often angry with inanimate objects. My […]
School ShootingsA few years ago my sister called me, panicked, and she said that she was worried that her step-son might become a school-shooter. At this […]
HicksI grew up in a rural Appalachian town of less than 1000 ppl and one of my early writerly projects was, when I was 16, this group of redneck boys […]
Red/Blue Divide & College EducationRecently it’s become common for commentators like David Brooks to suggest that the red/blue divide has to do with the gap between the […]
My Fascist ChildhoodSometimes in NYC among academic colleagues or fellow artists, I’ve mentioned my childhood in Appalachia; and unfortunately people’s only real […]
Why Does He Do That?In trying to understand the appeal of Trump for rural white working-class voters, I want to draw upon studies of domestic abuse (Lundy, Why Does […]
Energy and EquityAI is stealing our jobs? In Energy and Equity, Ivan Illich suggested that the desire to build robots is the reflex of a society built on […]
Apologetics for White AngerOne of the things I’m curious about is WHITE RAGE APOLOGETICS… Or, the cultural work that is done in order to justify away working-class […]
Jean de Meun in his contribution to the Roman de la Rose practices an uncircumcised method of glossing.[1] Jean wraps his controversial defense of punning inside of an image of the foreskin.