Christina, after reading your post and Carr’s article I started to think about how the concept of failure applies in my classes and in my professional life. At the high school where I teach, we definitely discuss […]
I totally agree with you that we also have to teach the mechanics of posting and creating a blog. The class I am teaching is working on creating a blog as a tool to use with their elementary students to do […]
Maura and Karyna, indeed in the 21st century the workforce demands that many people work together, whether in groups or as parts of teams. However, is it less important that these people bring extraordinary […]
Pamela, this is such an important question. I totally believe, that teaching our students on how to best use technology should start at the elementary school or rather at training our k-12 teachers. They are the […]
Christina, I really love your first project. Teaching in urban high school for many years, I always thought that we did not do enough to prepare our students (especially those with some learning disabilities) for […]