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    Ashwin Satyanarayana

    CUNY 2x Tech $1.4M Grant for the department of Computer Systems TechnologyCity Tech’s CUNY 2x Tech program will support nearly 2,000 students from the Computer Systems Technology department majoring in Computer […]

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    Ashwin Satyanarayana

    We are honored to receive a best paper award at the ASEE Mid-Atlantic Fall 2020 Conference for our paper entitled “Impact of Open Education Resources (OER) on Student Academic Performance and Retention Rates in […]

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    Ashwin Satyanarayana

    I am pleased to announce that the article titled: “Our Stories: First-year Learning Communities Students Reflections on the Transition to College”, is published in Learning Communities Research and Practice ( […]

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    Ashwin Satyanarayana

    I am pleased to announce that our paper titled: “Using Prescriptive Data Analytics to Reduce Grading Bias and Foster Student Success” is accepted for publication at the IEEE Frontiers in Education (FIE) […]

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    Ashwin Satyanarayana

    I am pleased to announce that our paper titled: “Using Natural Language Processing Tools on Individual Stories from First Year Students to Summarize Emotions, Sentiments and Concerns of Transition from High S […]

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    Ashwin Satyanarayana

    I am pleased to announce that I have been awarded the 2019-2020 Cycle 50 PSC-CUNY Research Award (Traditional A) for research in “Using Data Analytics for Personalization of Online Tutoring Systems” to begin July 1st 2019.

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    Ashwin Satyanarayana

    I will be presenting the following workshops during March and April 2019

    Scholarship Workshop on “Scholarship of Teaching and Learning” (Location: Academic Building 209, March 15th, 9 – 11:30am)
    Teaching […]

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    Ashwin Satyanarayana

    I am pleased to announce that I have received the Teach Access Faculty Curriculum Development Grant award to advance the teaching of the design and development of accessible technologies.

    About Teach Access: T […]

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    Ashwin Satyanarayana

    I am pleased to inform that our Poster titled “A Peer based Tutoring and Mentoring Model for First Year Computer Science Courses Based on Strategies Used by Songbirds for Learning”, (with co-author L. Baron) has […]

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    Ashwin Satyanarayana

    I will be giving talks (as part of panel discussions) at the following venues:

    Third Annual City Tech Symposium on Science Fiction, Tuesday, Nov 27th, 2018. 4:00pm-4:50pm
    Topic: Frankenstein Panel: Mary […]

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    Ashwin Satyanarayana

    I am pleased to announce that I have been selected (along with Prof. Janet Liou-Mark) for the 2018-2019 PDAC Teaching Recognition Award. The PDAC Teaching Recognition Award honors faculty with long-term d […]

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    Ashwin Satyanarayana

    I will serving as part of the First Year Learning Community (FYLC) leadership team along with Jennifer Sears and Karen Goodlad for AY 2018-2019. A curricular Learning Community is a group of students who […]

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    Ashwin Satyanarayana

    I am happy to announce that i will be serving as the Chair Elect of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Mid-Atlantic Section for 2018-2019 academic year. The list of officers can be found […]

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    Ashwin Satyanarayana

    Our paper (with Dr. Candido Cabo) on “Promoting students’ social interactions results in an improvement in performance, class attendance and retention in first year computing courses” has been accepted for pub […]

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    Ashwin Satyanarayana

    I have been invited to serve as a panelist at the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Annual Meeting at Hofstra University on May 13th (Sunday). The panel discussion is titled: “Partner Disciplines on […]

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    Ashwin Satyanarayana

    I will be giving the Keynote talk at the 12th City Tech Research Conference 2018 on May 1st. The title of my talk is: “The Power of Descriptive, Predictive and Prescriptive Data Analytics”. I will be discussing […]

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    Ashwin Satyanarayana

    I am pleased to announce that I am a Data Science Faculty member for the “M.S. program in Data Science” at CUNY Graduate Center. More details of the program can be found […]

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    Ashwin Satyanarayana

    Our paper (with Dr. Janusz Kusyk and Dr. Yu-Wen Chen) on “Design of Cloud Based Robots using Big Data Analytics and Neuromorphic Computing” has been accepted for publication at the 31st IEEE Canadian Con […]

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