"The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas.”Le Guin uses her short story to explore the topics of ethics of societal happiness and the nature of morals by creating a society around […]
Recitatif by Toni MorrisonToni’s use of ambiguity regarding the race around Twyla and Roberta, allows us to explore themes like identity, memory, and complexities […]
James BaldwinJames Baldwin uses jazz to explore themes of identity, community, and the power of artistic expression. Such a scene that involves all of […]
Blog Post 6Ariel and Caliban are both central points of servitude and freedom as they both hold different reasons of what it means. Both their views […]
IntroductionHello everyone! My name is Aracely Brito, and I’m currently a Psychology student. I’m not too sure yet what I wish to do as a profession, […]