Kedoo, I am also a fan of African textile, the colors are beautiful which add details to a person’s entire look! Thanks for sharing, interesting video! Good DS!
Hi Li, sometimes we do feel like we are passionate about a lot of stuff and different times so I understand what you mean. However, I believe that your last passion (sleeping) would be one of my favorite passions. Great DS!
Jonathan, I like your DS! I like crocheted clothing and always wanted to learn how to crochet but never took the time to, I hope one day I will. Thanks for sharing your passion.
Hi Sayira, Love is Blind is one of my favorite shows. I watch it to see if Love is really blind, lol! My favorite couple is Lauren and Cameron from season 1.
Assignment #3 – Meme away! Assignment #3 – Meme away! This meme is one of my favorites because sleeping is indeed my hobby. This meme was once sent to me by my […]