As you may know, I am co-chair of the New York City Bar Association’s committee on Technology, Cyber and Privacy Law. At our December meeting we discussed a new free technology on the Internet by OpenAI called C […]
In March, our life as we knew it took a severe turn, the pandemic was reaching an unprecedented spread and my college shut down and decided that from that moment on every class would be taught 100% online. This […]
It is clear to me that women face unique problems in the workplace that their male counterparts do not have. One of these problems is known as the gender wage gap. Most estimates show women only earning about 85% […]
It’s not often a Braking News Alert brings me to tears. But at 11:50 last night, a BBC Alert announcing the death of Dr. Stephen Hawking did just that. Dr. Hawking has been a central figure in my life. Someone I […]