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    KCTL Faculty Reading Group

    During this meeting we focused on chapters 3 and 4 in the book.

    We talked about how birth circumstances to some extent define your pathways in life. In this chapter Steele discusses how Anatole Broyard, born a […]

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    KCTL Faculty Reading Group

    During this meeting we discussed chapter 2 and chapter 3.  In this chapter Steel presented evidence of experiments that explored this topic. For example did the negative stereotype of women and math create […]

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    KCTL Faculty Reading Group


    During this meeting we discussed the introduction and chapter 1.  All present had experiences with stereotypes affecting us personally and with our students.  We also talked about how i […]

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    KCTL Faculty Reading Group

    This spring we are reading

    In the book, Whistling Vivaldi, Claude M. Steel provides well-researched information on how stereotypes act as a subconscious threat impeding academic performance. Steel suggests […]

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    KCTL Faculty Reading Group


    During this meeting we focused on the second chapter of the book.  The second chapter is entitled Practice and Feedback. Bruff suggests that instructors consider the types of skills that their students need a […]

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    KCTL Faculty Reading Group

    During this meeting we discussed chapter 1 which has many interesting ideas. Chapter 1 is called A TIME FOR TELLING.

    Bruff begins the chapter with an example of presenting an exciting science experiment to a […]

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    KCTL Faculty Reading Group

    Session 1 took place on Zoom.
    During this meeting we focused on the author’s introduction to the book. –Derek Bruff discusses that the overarching theme for this book is to provide guidance and examples of […]

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    KCTL Faculty Reading Group

    The second meeting of the reading group was held on April 15th on Zoom at 12:45 p.m.

    We continued our discussion of Part I  of the book and began to review Part II.
    We talked about the use of a concentration […]

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    KCTL Faculty Reading Group

    The 1st  meeting held on zoom was on  Mar 18, 2021 12:45 PM

    There were 6 in attendance. We began with a discussion of the part 1 of the book.

    In this section, the reason for distraction is explored by L […]

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    KCTL Faculty Reading Group

    This semester we are reading the book DISTRACTED by James Lang

    Here are links discussing the book.


    https://www.c-span.org/video/?476451-1/distracted  8 minutes key-note speaker


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    KCTL Faculty Reading Group


    During meeting two the group met remotely on zoom to discuss part3 of the book.  We discussed how small changes in behavior can lead to a more positive outlook. Sanderson discussed the impact of […]

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    KCTL Faculty Reading Group


    During meeting two the group met remotely on zoom to discuss part 2 of the book.  We discussed the impact of temperament on how we view the world.  The author sited studies of older adults in d […]

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    KCTL Faculty Reading Group

    During meeting one the group met remotely on “zoom” to discuss part 1 of the book.  Many of us were concerned that the book was a self-help book.  Dawn was happy that the author supported content with the r […]

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    KCTL Faculty Reading Group

    It’s the reason why spending time on Facebook makes us feel sad and lonely. Why expensive name-brand medicines provide better pain relief than the generic stuff, even if they share the same ingredients. And why a […]

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    KCTL Faculty Reading Group

    During this session we discussed Part 2 of the book.

    CH 4 Fostering Intrinsic Motivation: Andy Kaufman students are teaching Russian Literature in a juvenile detention center BOOKS BEHIND BARS

    We discussed […]

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    KCTL Faculty Reading Group


    AT this meeting we discussed PART 3 of the book

    PART 3

    CH 8:  CHEATING ON CAMPUS: KBCC Honor Code –CUNY Academic Integrity Policy.   

    CH 9:  An origi […]

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    KCTL Faculty Reading Group

    This meeting held on June 30 had 5 faculty members in attendance

    During this session we discussed chapters 2 & 3 of the book, Cheating Lessons by James Lang.

    We again met in ZOOM, and had one problem with […]

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    KCTL Faculty Reading Group

    During the first virtual meeting held on June 16th we met in ZOOM.

    We had 6 faculty in attendance

    After a brief introductions we began by discussing the past spring semester which had just ended. Everyone […]

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    KCTL Faculty Reading Group

    Mindset The New Psychology of Success 

    by Carol Dweck

    Random House

    February 28, 2006
    Mindset explains the difference between a fixed and a growth mindset, why a growth mindset is superior to a fixed […]

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    Amy Haas's profile was updated
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