COSIM SAYIDCosim Sayid is visiting the Rutgers Institute for Law and Philosophy. Cosim Sayid is Lecturer in Philosophy at Princeton University. Cosim’s webpage:
We are pleased to announce that the 2019 SWIP-Analytic Graduate Student Prize has been awarded to Hannah Kim for her excellent paper “Why it Might be True that an Abstract Artifact Smokes a Pipe: A Case for […]
The Biltmore Hotel was constructed on 43rd Street and Madison Avenue in 1913 using a steel frame and masonry cladding. It was built across the street from Grand Central Terminal by the New York Central […]
For information on how to sign up for and use the Commons read the following CUNY-Commons_Documentation. Also watch the below YouTube videos for more information on how to add media and geographical locations to […]
Reading Cities (RC) is a digitally augmented text platform that serves teachers and students of modern literature. At the most basic level, RC acts as an enhancement of print and ebook versions of modernist […]