HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! Thank you Professor Seslow! It was a pleasure working with you, you are a very talented and gifted teacher and I appreciate everything you have done for us this semester! I learned so much it […]
CT101 Final Blog Post / Jonathan CadetI Deserve whatever’s coming to me. At this point I know I passed but to what degree, heck I’ll say a B+ because I didn’t get to comment, but we […]
Assignment #7 – The Mid-Semester Reflection It has been about a month, so it’s a little past mid-semester. (After editing it again today, this is way overdue…) CT 101 has been a very […]
That other quote about fate you put spoke to me also, thank you. Your digital art is nice and inspiring, I want to post edited photos more, people have taken #nofilter and beat it like a dead horse, I’m tired of […]
YO !!! Martha Graham just ate me up with that quote wow. Thank you for sharing this, what a powerful message omfg sheesh. Good material here, you are pretty good at this lol.
Haha im glad you liked it, thank you for clicking the link! XD It was really fun doing this and committing my time to truly deliver my best. I do hope I am able to inspire some great future posts and projects […]
Listen we all about to go to Zutto because I Also love Ramen. I had make some Curry stir-fry ramen with some Impossible ground meat, and it was amazing. I literally made 3 packs that night, holyyyy. I have […]
Mann I’m driving a mustang RN and my Sally is falling apart. If I had a love for BMW’s like you, or your passion in cars in general, Sally would be super fly rn /: Those beamers looked Tuff.
Listen you do what you gotta do because I’m right there with you but yes piracy is bad yup no good, lol I tend to have my Eye patch on a lot lately and its making me nervous haha. With the way the world is […]
#6 Digital Art Intimacy Get your best headphones ready!!!! Excited to make my own website, I knew I had everything needed to make something cool. Again, off the […]
#5 STORY TIME // TRIX 7 NEWS STORY TIME // TRIX 7 NEWS The first project that I choose was Sound Effect Story I picked this one because I have experience with audio on […]
#4 Passion Post Blog Now that I have the chance to talk about my passions, boy do I have so much to share with yall.So much to talk about but Ill just focus on my […]
#3 MeMe’ing-ness #3 MeMe’ing-ness Memes and are they Art? According to the video, Leo T. stated which i found important to the definition of art that was p […]
#2: GIF & GIF Post Narratives First day of CT101 I really thought “oh wow sweet a computer class, I love computers” “work should be ez”….. Its offically Time to do […]
~A Web of Happiness~ This Weeks Adventure on the WWW (World Wide Web) brought me mostly to youtube for educational and motivation purposes. The happiness comes from […]