ALAN M. WHITE joined the faculty at CUNY School of Law in 2012. He teaches consumer law, commercial law, bankruptcy, property and contracts. He is a nationally recognized expert on credit regulation and the residential mortgage market. Professor White is a past member of the Federal Reserve Board’s Consumer Advisory Council, a member of the American Law Institute, and recently served as reporter for the Uniform Law Commission’s project on a uniform Residential Real Estate Foreclosure statute. He has been quoted frequently in the national media in connection with his research on the foreclosure crisis. He has published a number of research papers and articles on housing, credit and consumer law issues, and testified before Congress and at federal agency hearings on the foreclosure crisis, bankruptcy reform and predatory mortgage lending. Before becoming a full-time teacher, Professor White was a supervising attorney at the North Philadelphia office of Community Legal Services, Inc., and was also a fellow and consultant with the National Consumer Law Center in Boston. His legal services practice included representation of low-income consumers in mortgage foreclosures, class actions, bankruptcies, student loan disputes, and real estate matters.
financial services, banking law, consumer protection, housing finance, contracts