Amongst the John S. Mayfield Papers housed at Georgetown University exists what may be the largest private collection of Algernon Swinburne’s works. This collection includes one hundred and one first edition c […]
John W. Knott, Jr.’s Science Fiction Stall
The 58th New York Antiquarian Book Fair brought together collectors and booksellers of various disciplines, genres, time periods, and areas of interes […]
John S. Mayfield and the Swinburne Series
Located in Georgetown in Washington D.C., the Special Collections Research Center at Georgetown University is home to several special collections of rare manuscripts and […]
Theorists Deleuze and Guattari took the study of translation and language and spinned it around. What if it’s not a translator who translates the work? What if the author translated […]
Ecocriticism is a theory that grounds and stabilizes literature. Ecocritics argue that literature is not abstract or ethereal, but rather a definite and solid construction of the human mind […]
New and Practical criticisms are both very formalist schools of theory, where literature is either canon or non-canon. Lehman College’s ENG 463: Seminar in Literature: Theory & Criticism c […]