Exploring the Brooklyn Waterfront
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Create a Group
Groups are public or private community spaces featuring a discussion forum, shared files, and an email listserv. They’re ideal for class or other collaborations.
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Create a Site
Sites are flexible websites with several privacy options. Collect student writing, build a portfolio, showcase an event—give any project an online home.
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Connecting a Group and a Site creates a public presence for your initiative or class alongside a private collaborative space and discussion.
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A TLH project
CUNY Peer Leaders is a community-based program that supports CUNY undergraduate students’ scholarship and creative work in the Humanities and supports them in developing leadership skills to implement within their communities and colleges.
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More Group ActivityFeatured Groups
The Center for Place, Culture and Politics at the Graduate Center.
This group is a space for students and scholars interested in conducting or complementing ethnographic studies with the help of digital tools. It aims to facilitate an ongoing conversation about ethnography, research techniques, digital worlds, and the ethical ways to merge these in scholarship..
The Digital Studies Group (DSG) brings together CUNY faculty members, researchers, and doctoral students interested in a broad range of intellectual, cultural, economic, legal, and pedagogical issues related to the growing impact of digital media on the ways we read, think, teach, learn and entertain ourselves in the United States and across the globe..
Active Groups
The most recently active Groups across all Groups.
Our members include students, faculty and staff. Check out our most recently active below, and register here to join the Commons.