Public Group active 1 year, 5 months ago

Writing Resistance – Fall 2020

Class announcements and Discussion Forum


  • Week 3 Assignments Due 9/11

    Dear class-

    Your grades for Week 2 assignments are currently available in the ‘Grades’ section of Blackboard. 

    Please note that comments are due to the course blog NOT the discussion forum. I noticed quite a few of you made that mistake which means my instructions weren’t clear and I will allow you to make it up with no penalty. If you have not done so already, comment on at least two of your classmates’ Rhetorical Analysis posts. I have included an instructional video that demonstrates how to post a comment below. 

    How to Comment on Posts in the Academic Commons

    This week, we will move on to reviewing the requirements for your first essay assignment. Details below. 

    DUE SEPT 11TH AT 11:59PM

    Review Essay #1 Assignment Sheet (link below)

    Watch “Introduction to Source-Based Essay” Lecture 

    Read “What in the world is a rhetorical analysis?”

    Post your response to the assigned reading (100 – 150 words) on the group discussion forum. See discussion question(s) below.

    • Discussion Question(s): What is one idea from the text that interests or confuses you? Why? After reading this text, what strategies might you use to write your Source-Based Essay?
    • To post your response, reply to the appropriately labeled topic in the discussion forum. (i.e. Discussion Form: “What in the world is a rhetorical analysis?”)


    • Write a brief description (250-500 words) of a social issue that interests you–what is the issue, and why does it interest you? What do you want to know more about? If you’re stuck, use one of these invention strategies, or another one that you already know works for you.
    • Post your response to the COURSE BLOG on the Academic Commons and comment on at least two of your classmates’ posts

    As always, please feel free to reach out with any questions, comments, or concerns. You may respond directly to this thread or contact me separately via email. I will host office hours this Friday from 12:30pm-1:30pm and by appointment for those of you who would like to meet 1-on-1. 

    Happy Writing!



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