Now that you have acclimated yourself with the syllabus and course requirements, this week’s assignments will focus on introducing you to one of the key concepts for this course: The Rhetorical Situation. Details below.
Complete Diagnostic Essay
This assignment can be found on Blackboard (see instructions on how to access Blackboard below). Be sure to read through the assignment instructions before you again. *Note: This is a timed assessment. You should plan to spend no more than 25 minutes composing your diagnostic essay.
Post your response to the assigned reading on the group discussion forum.
Your original comments (100 – 150 words) should include (1) a brief summary of the author’s main points and (2) an analysis of an idea that interests or confuses you.
To post your response, reply to the appropriately labeled topic in the group discussion forum. (ex. Discussion Form: “Rhetorical Analysis in the Real World”)
Choose a text (print, video, or image) on a social issue of your choice, and write a brief rhetorical analysis (250 – 500 words) in response to the questions below. Be sure to include the information on which you based your decisions. What in the text or publication tells you who the audience is, what the purpose is, and what the genre is? etc.
Author: Who is the author of this text? Is this author credible? Why or why not?What details can you ascertain about their background from the text?
Rhetorical Situation/Exigence: What problem or issue is the author responding to? How do you know?
Audience: Who is the target audience for this text? How do you know? What assumptions does the author make about this audience?
Purpose: What is the purpose of this text? What is the central point that the author is trying to make? Do they state this point explicitly? If so, where?
Genre: What is the genre? How does the author mirror the features of this genre? Refer to A Brief List of Genres for support.
Stance: What is the author’s stance towards the subject? How do you know?
As always, please feel free to reach out with any comments, questions, or concerns. You may respond directly to this thread or contact me separately via email. I will host office hours this Friday from 12:30pm-1:30pm and by appointment for those of you who would like to meet 1-on-1.