If you have not done so already, please be sure to submit your final draft and reflection for Essay #3. Per the late work policy, the Blackboard assignment portal will remain open until Dec. 14th.
For your final assignment, you will create a digital portfolio which will include final drafts of all of your essay assignments and write a 4-5 page Theory of Writing (in whatever genre you choose) where you will reflect on the changes to your writing process (or lack thereof) throughout the course of the semester. See details below.
*Note: This assignment is worth 20% of your overall grade
In the Blackboard course module, scroll to Essay Assignments on the left-hand menu and click on Essay #4.
In the content area, select Final Portfolio Link.
Select Create Thread to begin your submission.
Title your post in the ‘Subject’ area. Then, copy and paste the URL link to your portfolio in the message box.
Click Submit to finish.
Additional Resources
Those of you interested in incorporating images or other multimedia on your site must be sure to use royalty-free images. An image such as a drawing or photograph is typically protected by copyright. If you want to use an image that you did not create, you generally must obtain specific permission from the copyright holder and agree on the terms of use. One common commercial agreement is known as a Creative Commons royalty-free license to use an image. I have included links to some search engines with royalty-free images as well as a sample caption for these images below.
As always, feel free to reach out with any questions, comments, or concerns. You may respond directly to this thread or contact me separately via email. I am also available to meet virtually by appointment only anytime prior to the final assignment due date. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need additional support.