Public Group active 1 year, 5 months ago

Writing Resistance – Fall 2020

Class announcements and Discussion Forum



    Dear class-

    Your grades for Week 4 assignments are currently available in the ‘Grades’ section of Blackboard. Refer to my comments and the evaluation rubric for individual feedback on your source list. 

    I also want to emphasize that there is a subtle, yet important, difference between a magazine and newspaper article. The primary distinction between the two is that a news article is objective/neutral. There is a focus on facts, data, or statistics, and the author does NOT offer their opinion, perspective, or comments on a particular issue. See example below.

    Now that you have identified some potential sources, I’d like for you to begin writing your Source-Based Essay. You may be nervous or apprehensive about getting started on your first draft, but it is helpful to keep in mind that most writers, even successful ones, don’t write good first drafts. This exercise is about getting the words out of your head and onto the blank page

    Before you begin writing, be sure to review the Assignment Sheet and pre-recorded lectures available in the Group Library. If you’re stuck, use one of these invention strategies, or another one that you already know works for you.

    DUE SEPT 25TH at 11:59PM

    Read sample essays

    ESSAY #1 FIRST DRAFT (Blackboard)

    Note: There is no word requirement for this assignment, however I encourage you to do your best to complete your draft in its entirety. Submissions received after the due date will NOT receive written feedback from the instructor. See instructions below. 


    *DUE NO LATER THAN MONDAY, SEPT. 28TH 11:59PM* Use the questions from the Evaluation Rubric at the end of the Assignment Sheet to craft your response. Refer to this handout on How to Respond in Helpful Ways to a Peer’s Draft for additional support. 

    • Go to your Group Blog on Blackboard and read each of your group members’ first drafts. Be sure to take notes on the writer’s main strengths and weaknesses.
    • Comment on each of your group members blog entries with your peer review feedback (100-150 words for each draft)

    As always, please feel free to reach out with any questions, comments, or concerns. You may respond directly to this thread or contact me separately via email. I will host office hours this Friday from 12:30pm-1:30pm and by appointment for those of you who would like to meet 1-on-1. 

    Happy Writing!


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