Discussion Form: “Secondary Sources in Their Natural Habitats?” (DUE 9/18)
Posted by Shamecca Harris on September 14, 2020 at 9:20 pmRead Secondary Sources in Their Natural Habitats
- URL: https://milnepublishing.geneseo.edu/writing-in-college-from-competence-to-excellence/chapter/secondary-sources-in-their-natural-habitats/
Post your response to the assigned reading (100-150 words) on the group discussion forum here. See discussion question(s) below.
- Discussion Question(s): What is one idea from the text that interests or confuses you? Why? After reading this text, what strategies might you use to write your Source-Based Essay?
- To post your response, reply to the discussion forum here.
While reading, “Secondary Sources in Their Natural Habitats” I found it interesting when the author discussed various tiers in relation to different sources and when discussing a new tier he would refer back to the previous one in order to provide an explanation on the difference between each one and when it would be most helpful to use that specific tier. I wasn’t sure what piece to use for my writing because I didn’t know what exactly would qualify as a good source. An article can’t be too broad about what it’s trying to address because then it doesn’t become a viable piece of information. For my source-based essay, I will be going into further depth about the author and their qualifications or their credibility, when it comes to newspapers or reports of any kind because now I understand that in order to build a research paper, you need to provide information that gives a further understanding of the topic you’re analyzing, as well as credibility being one key factor.
After reading the article “Secondary Sources in Their Natural Habitats” I have gained a lot of insight into how much importance and thought I should have in choosing my sources. I’m very interested in the fact that it lists almost every type of source in tiers and it even explains how those tiers are useful and where its found. The lists itself will definitely be a reference for me in finding my sources for my topic because it includes the work and content of importance in tiers. I am also very interested in applying their methods to finding the sources I want. Some of these methods include using abstracts so I don’t need to read a whole article but realizing it doesn’t help me in my topic.
An interesting idea I got from the text, “Secondary Sources in Their Natural Habitats”, is that finding sources is not as simple as I had previously thought. You have to look out for how credible your source is, and what makes it credible. The author helps in pointing out what sources are trustworthy and where to find them. Another interesting idea that was brought up in this article is the importance of citing your work. If your work has a citing mistake, not only will it affect your grade, but most importantly your credibility, making all your hard work be in vain. When writing my Source-Based essay, I will use this article to find better sources that will support my paper’s credibility. Using tier 1 when searching for my scholarly source, tier 2 with my magazine and newspaper article, and tier 3 with my website. I will also use resources like Purdue’s OWL to help me correctly cite my sources.
After reading the article “Secondary sources in their natural habitats?” something I found interesting is the break down of the difference between reliable and non-reliable sources. The author used chart for us to better understand what type of sources we should use. Tier 1 being the one that is most reliable and 4th tier is the one we should avoid using. The first tier presents Peer-reviewed academic publications which essentially provides strong evidences from mainstream academic books and articles. whereas the fourth tier is more of sources that “can be hugely helpful in identifying interesting topics, positions within a debate,” which should not be cited in the final paper . The explanation of the tiers gave me more knowledge on how to identify sources and also an easier method that I can use when identifying 1st and 2nd tier sources.
Upon reading the article, “Secondary sources in their natural habitats?” Something that I found interesting is how often the most popular sources may not always be the most reliable ones. For example, the author provided a tiered chart to identify the reliability of a specific source you’re deciding to use. In the chart, the author ranked how sources can be ranked between tiers 1 and 4. For my own essay, I will try to use articles that are found using Google Scholar because articles from Google Scholar are placed in tier 1, which means that the articles are presented with strong evidence. Also, I will try to include some tier 2 sources since my essay will be about racism, so I want to include people’s personal experiences with racism.
After reading the article “Secondary Sources in Their Natural Habitats”, a lot of what I knew regarding sources what clarified and broken down, it also provded new strategies and ideas I did not know that interested me. I appreciated some new techiniques it provided especially the chart to help find good and reliable sources. In regards to primary and secondary sources and knowing which ones are reliable sources, I feel like I have been always pretty decent at finding credible sources after middle school. Generally I’m okay at it, but the chart is very helpfull and is a better way of finding them. Putting them into tiers is an interesting idea I will definetly try. All in all a very informative article, cleared up a lot of things i wasnt sure about.
Prior to reading this text, I never really thought about what type of paper is the best kind of paper. This text claims the idea that research papers are the best type of paper because you are allowed to choose your topic of research and most of the work is done for you. This idea interests me, because it made me look at research papers in a different way once I read “most of the work is done for you”. Besides this, I found this text to be super helpful. It also made me wonder if teachers genuinely check each source when grading and how time-consuming the grading process must be. I will definitely use Wikipedia more strategically than I have in the past when researching my topic, making sure to utilize it for broad information, and then find my specifics elsewhere.
After reading “Secondary Sources In Their Natural Habitats”, one thing that stood out to me was the many ways to determine what a primary and secondary source is. A lot of current knowledge of primary and secondary sources were broken down into detail in ways I haven’t thought of. One thing that I never knew were the four tiers of secondary sources. In my writing I found myself using tier three which were short pieces from newspapers or credible websites. The author made it easy to point out sources and how to search up sources. Furthermore, the author highlighted the importance of credible sources, and the impact it has on whether or not the information is misleading or reliable.
After reading the article “Secondary Sources in Their Natural Habitat” I learned a few things that I didn’t know before between primary and secondary sources. I love how in the article the author broke down each pier and connected it to how you would search. Or the most successful way you should be researching. Additionally, I didn’t even know Wikipedia has good information, you just have to know how to search for the information. That was surprisingly because in the past for essays I could never use Wikipedia, and now I can. I also didn’t know that secondary sources has four major tiers. To add on, I feel like I have developed some strategies that will help me find reliable information on certain sources or websites. I will explore all the sources I come upon that generally have good information of my topic, but I will ultimately choose the best and strongest sources that support my essay.
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