Red Washburn, PhD, is Professor of English and Director of Women’s and Gender Studies at CUNY Kingsborough. They also teach WGSS at Brooklyn College and the Graduate Center.
Public Group active 8 months, 1 week ago
The centralized, online location for articles, tools, and tips designed to support
Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) at CUNY.
NOTE TO 2015-2016 WAC FELLOWS: If you’re looking for the advance readings and the in-session handouts for the August 25 workshop, click on “Files” on the left, then the folder “WAC Fellow Professional Development.” Note that when you open the folder there is an option to download the folder as a zip file–this is probably the most efficient way to get all the documents at once.
If you’re coming back AFTER the August 25 workshop for online follow-up, click on “Forum” at the left. You’ll find follow-up activities for all of the workshops, plus an “Ask Us Anything” feature, and of course a link to the ubiquitous assessment survey.
At the WAC Resource Center, you can:
Search — for materials in *Files* by topic, or upload your own.
Workshop — projects using the group *Docs* function.
Discuss — the ins, outs, dos, and don’ts of WAC in the *Forum*.
All the files and info submitted to this group are available on the new, easy-to-use CUNY WAC Resources site!
Red Washburn, PhD, is Professor of English and Director of Women’s and Gender Studies at CUNY Kingsborough. They also teach WGSS at Brooklyn College and the Graduate Center.
I teach literature and composition at Kingsborough CC.
Assistant Professor of English at Hostos CC
Urban Studies MA Student at CUNY School of Labor & Urban Studies (SLU)
Associate Professor of Linguistics, York College Department of English and Graduate Center Linguistics Program.
Doctoral Candidate, Theatre & Performance Ph.D. program. NYC Theatremaker.
Ph.D. Student
Ph.D., Educational Psychology (2019)
PhD Student in English Literature at the Graduate Center, CUNY.
Faculty of Hospitality Management
Assistant Professor (English) at Borough of Manhattan Community College.
Associate Professor of Speech Communication; Co-Coordinator of Gender & Women's Studies
PhD in Law, Adjunct faculty in Law and Society
Speech Communication Theatre Arts: Adjunct instructor
PhD Student - Earth and Environmental Sciences - Geography Specialization
Assistant Professor, English
Professor of English at Bronx Community College