Public Group active 5 years, 1 month ago

TSC: Mentoring Students of Color

In this Teaching Scholarship Circle (TSC), a four-session forum of roundtable discussions, we will grapple with the difficult issue of mentoring students of color. With the spate of violence against people of color over the past few years, and on the heels of the recent presidential election in which aspects of race were front and center, this issue has never been more important. Who are students of color? What does it mean to be “of color”? And how can we, in an educational environment, better aide these students in their academic journeys? We will discuss all of these issues, and more, in this TSC.


  • Chronicle Article

    Hi All,

    À propos last Friday’s discussion, here is a piece I did for The Chronicle of Higher Education a few years ago that you might find interesting. Don’t worry, it’s only one page.


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  • Thank you for this.  It gives me hope.  I appreciate the profiling of so many students from truly diverse backgrounds (race, age, birth order, birth or foster family membership, religion, gender, sexual orientation – and the intersections) and the enormous task a faculty member has in these settings.  The courage they all have to come to your class, and your courage to teach in ways that transform educational and hopefully, to some degree, their social realities, gives me hope.

    Thanks so much for your kind words, Nadine. CUNY students are amazing and I have found it such a privilege to teach them. They certainly give me hope.

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