Public Group active 2 months, 2 weeks ago

The Group for Group Admins

A meta-group for all of the Commons’ group admins so that the CUNY Academic Commons team can share information and keep you updated about changes to the site (and especially the Group interface). This group will also provide a way for us to get feedback from you about features you’d like to see added and ways we can improve the Group functionality.


Post New Forum Topics via Email

  • Hello Admins!

    Did you know that you can post new topics to your group forum from the comfort of your email inbox? If you or other members of your group are interested in posting new topics without logging into the Commons you will first need to access the unique email address where you will send an email to create a new topic. To find the email address that is unique to you and your group, click on the ‘Forum’ tab in the left navigation area of your group and scroll down past the group topics until you see ‘Post New Topics via Email.’ Then, click on the “Find out how!” link to access the unique email address and follow the directions on the screen (also below).

    To post a new topic to your group:

    *Compose a new email from the same email address you registered with.
    *Put the unique email address in the “To:” field of the email.
    *Post the topic title as the subject of your email.

    Once you have the email address, you can use it to post future topics without being logged in. If you have any questions about this feature please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Commons team at [email protected]. Happy posting!


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