Public Group active 2 months, 2 weeks ago

The Group for Group Admins

A meta-group for all of the Commons’ group admins so that the CUNY Academic Commons team can share information and keep you updated about changes to the site (and especially the Group interface). This group will also provide a way for us to get feedback from you about features you’d like to see added and ways we can improve the Group functionality.


  • List of sites and courses


    Is it possible to get a full list of the sites and courses on the Academic Commons (an Excel format would be great)? Thanks.


    Van Bich T Tran

    Open Educational Resources and Open Access Adjunct Librarian

    Library Department

    La Guardia Community College<>


    31-10 Thomson Avenue, Room E201-Faculty Suite

    Long Island City, NY 11101?

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  • Hi – Sure, we can get this info. We actually don’t have “courses” data type. We have sites, groups, and sites + groups that are used for courses. Is this what you need?

    What fields do you need in the csv download? (The available fields are listed in the courses tab.)

    Do you basically want a dump of the data on the courses tab?

    Hi Scott,

    Yes, I would like the all the data in the course tab (all fields).  Thanks.



    Request has been posted here:

    I was just trying to save time by not having to use filter or look up the course one at a time. I was looking up each course to get ideas as to what can be done.  I did do a filter of LAGCC courses.  I was not going to share the information with anyone. This is just metadata.  By the way, there does not seem to be a filter for public and private sites.  If I cannot get the list to save time, than I will forgo the exercise. Thank you.

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