Public Group active 2 days, 3 hours ago

Teaching and Learning Center

This is a public group for the Graduate Center’s Teaching and Learning Center. Join for notifications of events, and to participate in conversations about teaching and learning on the TLC Forum.

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  • Using Mid-Semester Student Feedback to Improve Your Course” Webinar 10-17-2019

    Dear colleagues,


    After a year-long pilot in 2018-2019, we are excited to open Lehman’s Teaching and Learning Faculty Webinar series to all CUNY faculty and staff for the 2019-2020 academic year. Please help us share the invitation with those who might be interested in learning more about innovative teaching and learning.


    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


    Olena O. Zhadko, Ph.D. | Director of Online Education | Carman Hall, Room 264 | Lehman College, CUNY | E-mail: |Phone: 718-960-1172 (office) | 314-359-9909 (cell) |Video:


    [Teaching & Learning] RSVP for “Using Mid-Semester Student Feedback to Improve Your Course” Webinar 10-17-2019


    Dear Colleagues,


    How can you let students know you care about their progress and that they are an integral part of the teaching and learning process? How can you also gather vital information about how students are perceiving the course content, learning activities, or other aspects of your course?


    Soliciting feedback from students early on or at different points in an ongoing course is an often-overlooked opportunity. This webinar will provide practical tips for gathering formative student feedback supported by research, and review how you can easily use online tools or other methods to accomplish these goals.


    Join us on October 17, 2019, 12:00 to 1:00 pm for “Using Mid-Semester Student Feedback to Improve Your Course” a lunchtime webinar. Our faculty co-host will be Susan Ko, Faculty Development Consultant, Office of Online Education & Clinical Professor, Department of History, who will share her strategies for implementing and using mid-semester student feedback in her course.




    Can’t attend? If you are interested but unable to participate on that day and time, please register and you will receive a recording after the webinar.

    Recording: All registrants receive a webinar recording, a written summary and the presentation slides about a week after the live webinar.


    About the webinar series:

    • These hour-long webinars are conveniently delivered online each month during the academic year, and are easily accessed from desktop, phone, or tablet. Webinars are facilitated by the department of Online Education staff and each features a presentation by a faculty co-host with expertise on the topic. Attendees have time at the end of each webinar to comment, share their views, and to ask questions of presenters.

    • If there is a topic that you think might be of interest to you or your colleagues, do contact us with your suggestions at


    For more information, announcements, registration for the 2019-2020 webinars, and to view the 2018-2019 webinar archive, visit the Teaching and Learning Webinar page.


    Fall 2019 Webinars:

    • Student Engagement: Techniques and Tools for Communication (September)
    • Using Mid-Semester Student Feedback to Improve Your Course (October)
    • Teaching Larger Classes: Maintaining Quality and Your Sanity (November)
    • Time Saving Techniques for Course Planning and Preparation (December)


    Office of Online Education

    Lehman College, City University of New York

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