Public Group active 2 days, 3 hours ago

Teaching and Learning Center

This is a public group for the Graduate Center’s Teaching and Learning Center. Join for notifications of events, and to participate in conversations about teaching and learning on the TLC Forum.

Our website can be found at


  • The Election Clapback Syllabus: A Teach In/Learn In

    The Futures Initiative is sponsoring a Teach In/Learn In on Tuesday, November 15, 11-1 in room 3317 to address issues of relevance to our students in the wake of this year’s election. Please bring ideas, syllabi, lesson plans, assignments, actions, and art.

    • How do we create a space for CUNY students to talk about the election?
    • All are welcome to participate in a constructive, activist conversation and interdisciplinary syllabus-building collaboration.
    • Begin contributing now: The Election Clapback Syllabus
    • #fight4edu #clapbacksyllabus

    This will be a brown bag lunch, please bring something to eat.

    Cosponsored by the GC Teaching and Learning Center, the American Studies Certificate Program, the GC English Program, GC Digital Initiatives, the Center for the Humanities, the CUNY Humanities Alliance, Intellectual Publics, the Doctoral Theatre Students’ Association (DTSA), the GC Center for Career and Professional Development, GC Urban Education Program, the Professional Staff Congress, the GC Art History Program, and the GC Theatre Program.

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