Public Group active 4 days, 21 hours ago

Teaching and Learning Center

This is a public group for the Graduate Center’s Teaching and Learning Center. Join for notifications of events, and to participate in conversations about teaching and learning on the TLC Forum.

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  • Fwd: Teaching Workshops from the TLC, CETF, and GCDI (August 11, August 17-19)

    Dear Colleagues,

    As part of the Teach@CUNY Summer Institute ( which starts today, the Teaching and Learning Center, the Carnegie Educational Technology Fellows, and Graduate Center Digital Initiatives will be offering 19 workshops (on Zoom) on August 11, and 17-19th. These workshops (unless otherwise noted) are open to all Graduate Center students and faculty.

    Descriptions of the workshops are pasted below, and are also viewable here: (

    Participants can register here: (

    In addition, we have attached a document crafted by the Carnegie Educational Technology Fellows sharing some considerations about teaching in different instructional modes this fall. The CETFs will be available for consultations and office hour visits starting Monday, August 16.

    Please forward this email to faculty and students in your programs.

    Thank you!

    Luke and Matt

    Luke Waltzer, Ph.D.
    Director, The Teaching and Learning Center
    The Graduate Center, CUNY
    365 Fifth Avenue, Room 3300.19
    New York, NY 10016 (

    Matthew K. Gold, Ph.D.
    Director, M.A. Program in Digital Humanities & M.S. Program in Data Analysis and Visualization /
    Associate Professor of English & Digital Humanities /
    Advisor to the Provost for Digital Initiatives, CUNY Graduate Center ( | @mkgold
    pronouns: he/him/his

    Teaching Workshops from the TLC, the CETF, and GCDI (8/9-8/20)

    Wednesday, August 11

    Participants can register via (

    10:00-11:30 AM

    Mixing Modes of Instruction
    Laurie Hurson and Katie Uva

    This workshop will present ideas for designing courses that incorporate multiple instructional modes, including face-to-face, online synchronous, and asynchronous work. It will explore the challenges that come with fewer built-in opportunities to gauge student comprehension in-person, and strategies for creating well-structured courses that offer opportunities for multiple forms of engagement.

    Improv for Academics: Getting Comfortable with Your Discomfort and Building Classroom Community
    Atasi Das

    This workshop explores strategies for working with and calming the nerves that often accompany public speaking and interaction in the classroom. We will draw on principles and exercises from improvisational theater. Improv is a theatrical practice that is performed live and constructed in the moment. Improv exercises emphasize cooperation, generosity, comfort with spontaneity and responsiveness to unexpected situations. In addition to being skills that would help us as instructors in front of the classroom, these skills, when transferred to the classroom, can increase student engagement and foster group collaboration and communication.

    1:00-2:30 pm

    Building spaces for creative and experiential teaching and learning
    Inés Vañó García

    Why not (re)think of our assignments more creatively where students can engage with the course material in a multimodal way? In this workshop, we will build spaces to explore other possibilities beyond the traditional text-based assignment, and experiment with creative multimodal alternatives including audio (podcast, storytelling) and visuals (zines, timelines, gifs). We will also discuss how these creative and experiential learning assignments could potentially produce artifacts with audiences beyond the classroom.

    Abolitionist Pedagogy
    Atasi Das, Miranda Fedock, Talisa Feliciano, Cristine Khan, Fernanda Blanco Vidal

    The Abolitionist Pedagogy Working Group at the TLC spent the past year unpacking the meanings behind abolitionist pedagogy. We aimed to create and promote practices shaped by abolitionist pedagogy to explore in the CUNY classroom.

    This session will be an open meeting of the group where we will discuss excerpts from two texts: We Want to do More Than Survive: Abolitionist Teaching and the Pursuit of Educational Freedom by Bettina L. Love and Pleasure Activism by adrienne maree brown. We welcome any GC students and faculty members interested in participating in the conversation to join us.

    Tuesday, August 17

    Participants can register via (

    1:00-2:30 pm

    Opening up your Teaching with Digital Pedagogy
    Laurie Hurson

    What do we mean by “open” teaching? And how does “open” relate to “digital pedagogy”? This workshop will introduce the foundations of open digital pedagogy including OER, remixed assignments, and model courses from the CUNY Academic Commons, a teaching and learning platform used to host courses across CUNY.

    Fostering Mental & Emotional Well-being in Our Classrooms
    Miranda Fedock and Talisa Feliciano

    The long and short term impacts of living in this global pandemic has deeply shifted our relationships to ourselves and each other. As we enter year 2 of the pandemic, how can we as CUNY graduate students and educators better support our students’ and our own emotional needs? What are some practical ways to promote mental and emotional well-being for our students and ourselves in our classrooms? How can we adopt some of the concepts of trauma-informed pedagogy in order to better serve ourselves and our students through another semester of distance learning?

    Participants can register via (

    Wednesday, August 18

    Participants can register via (

    10:00-11:30 AM

    Zahra Khalid and Agustina Checa

    This 75-minute workshop will discuss the pedagogical promise of podcasts: from using podcasts as an alternative to lecture videos, to building them into student projects. We will also cover podcasting basics, such as which softwares to use, and offer tips for creating engaging podcasts.

    Alternative Approaches to Grading, Assessment, and Effective Feedback
    Luis Henao Uribe

    Grading is often perceived as a necessary evil, an imposition of the system more than a meaningful pedagogical choice. Grades generate anxiety on students because they carry concrete consequences to their academic and professional paths. It is often a burdensome task for instructors that consumes time with unclear benefits for the learning process. This workshop would explore how to incorporate other evaluative practices such as assessment (low stakes, self-assessment, peer-assessment) and feedback (meaningful and purposeful) to help us achieve our teaching goals in a more just and efficient way.

    1:00-2:30 pm

    Using Manifold in the Classroom
    Robin Miller & Wendy Barrales

    Join the Manifold Team for a 1-hour workshop to learn how Manifold is being used by instructors and students across the CUNY system. You will learn how you can use a Manifold project to teach public domain texts, build custom digital course readers, and publish student work all with the option to embed multimedia resources and use Manifold’s robust annotation and commenting feature to help instructors and students “meet” in the margins of a text.

    Cultivating Participation & Engagement
    Katie Uva

    A classroom where students participate and invest their attention, curiosity, and passion is a universal goal, but as teachers how can we make it a reality? This workshop offers an introduction to some key strategies to support student participation and engagement. We will explore what participation and engagement really mean, and the different forms they can take in a class. We’ll also try out strategies for fostering discussion, crafting effective questions, and enabling students to take the lead and direct elements of the class.

    John Zayac and Jason Block

    We will discuss different methods for doing what would normally be done on a classroom chalkboard. We will describe the best way to carry out each method, as well as the necessary and optional software/hardware required. The methods discussed will range from low-tech (filming yourself at a physical whiteboard, filming a piece of paper as you write) to the higher-tech (using a zoom/blackboard digital whiteboard, using an infinite space whiteboard, using collaborative whiteboards).

    2:30-3:45 pm

    Balancing Time: Managing Workload & Taking Care of Yourself*
    Fernanda Blanco Vidal and Miranda Fedock

    Are you exhausted or overwhelmed? Losing track of time? It’s not just you! Now more than ever, GC graduate students and educators need a robust toolkit to balance time and energy between responsibilities. This workshop considers the complexities of juggling time and priorities across multiple responsibilities as graduate students and instructors, such as teaching, coursework, research, self- and communal-care, and others. Attendees will be invited to reflect on ways to balance time and the importance of rest and care as forms of resistance.
    *This workshop is open to GC students only.

    Building your Course Website on the CUNY Academic Commons
    Anthony Wheeler

    The CUNY Academic Commons is an open educational resource available to all CUNY members, enabling us to create groups/websites, fostering community across CUNY’s 25-campuses. This workshop will conduct an overview of the Commons as an open digital platform, emphasizing building linked course groups/sites for teaching and learning.

    Thursday, August 19

    Participants can register via (

    10:00-11:30 AM

    Translating “academic” texts for video pedagogy
    Mike Mena

    We will discuss general strategies for creating video lectures to be viewed asynchronously. This includes ideal length of videos, how to curate/select material, and what it means to “translate” academic texts into video explanations and “reading guides.”

    Incorporating Science Communication Principles into Your Coursework
    John Zayac and Jason Block

    The ongoing pandemic and global climate crisis have shown that poor science communication skills can have a large impact on public understanding and action – and that it’s not only scientists that need to hone these skills. In this workshop we will discuss foundational principles of science communication and how to incorporate them into courses across the curriculum. We will share examples of activities and assignments and work as a group to identify opportunities for practice in each of our syllabi.

    1:00-2:30 pm

    Teaching with Discord or Slack
    Zach Muhlbauer and Seth Graves
    The migration of all teaching and learning online during the pandemic fostered more conversations about how best to keep in touch with students, especially at a time characterized by global illness and trauma, where issues of privacy, receptivity, and sensitivity are paramount. In this workshop we discuss the affordances of the group messaging platforms Discord and Slack for communicating with and among students, exploring their potentials for classroom culture and community exchange across online learning spaces.

    Accessibility and/or Trauma-informed/relational Pedagogy
    Miryam Nacimento and Francisco Medina

    With the return to in-person teaching and the hybridization of the Fall semester, we invite faculty to think with us about how can our pedagogy be responsive to the grief, stress, and the trauma of students stemming from the pandemic and pre-existing disparities. We will focus on what aspects of online-teaching we should expand on and sustain as we transition to fully in person, including recognizing issues of accessibility and mental health that were perhaps not noticeable in online teaching.

    2:30-3:45 pm

    Restorative Approaches to Evaluating Student Work
    Chy Sprauve and Atasi Das

    In this workshop, participants will develop evaluative pedagogical practices (grading, face-to-face meetings, other course feedback) that acknowledge the varied needs and experiences of students while drawing out the goals of the course in student work. This workshop also invites instructors to reflect upon their own pedagogical practices as instructors and supports the development of an evaluative approach to course work that is rooted in the restorative and affirmative.

    Collaborative Digital Projects on the Commons
    Anthony Wheeler

    Using sites on the CUNY Academic Commons, faculty and students have implemented a wide range of collaborative projects that utilize diverse digital literacies over recent years. This workshop will look into some examples of how to implement digital tools for collaborative projects (such as digital art, history/archives, videos, and podcasts) into your Commons courses to foster greater interactivity amongst course participants.

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  • How do I access the courses I registered for?

    From: Luke Waltzer (The Teaching and Learning Center) <>
    Sent: Monday, August 9, 2021 8:11 AM
    To: Mayra Humphreys <>
    Subject: Fwd: Teaching Workshops from the TLC, CETF, and GCDI (August 11, August 17-19)

    Emails with links to the Zoom sessions will be sent to all registrants prior to the workshop.


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