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  • Fwd: Call for Graduate Fellowship Applications: Due Feb 15

    Please see the terrific opportunity below.


    Luke Waltzer, Ph.D.
    Director, The Teaching and Learning Center
    The Graduate Center, CUNY
    365 Fifth Avenue, Room 3300.19
    New York, NY 10016

    Begin forwarded message:
    > From: “Holman, Kaysi” <>
    > Subject: FW: Call for Graduate Fellowship Applications: Due Feb 15
    > Date: January 25, 2021 at 3:22:32 PM EST
    > To: Assistant Program Officers <>, Executive Officers <>
    > Please circulate the call below to graduate students who may be interested in these new fellowship opportunities!
    > Kaysi Holman
    > Director of Programs and Administration
    > CUNY Humanities Alliance
    > The Graduate Center, CUNY
    > (212) 817-7255
    > From: CUNY Humanities Alliance < <>>
    > Reply-To: CUNY Humanities Alliance < <>>
    > Date: Friday, January 22, 2021 at 6:29 AM
    > To: “Holman, Kaysi” < <>>
    > Subject: Call for Graduate Fellowship Applications: Due Feb 15
    > View this email in your browser [] (
    > Seeking Applications for 12 New Graduate Fellowships
    > Deadline: Monday, February 15, 2021
    > Fellowships begin Fall 2021
    > The CUNY Humanities Alliance is seeking applications for 12 new graduate fellowships in educational development roles at four partner institutions: Borough of Manhattan Community College, Guttman Community College, Hostos Community College, and LaGuardia Community College. These positions are open to Graduate Center doctoral students entering years 3-5 of doctoral study in 2021-2022. They are one-year positions, and are renewable for one additional year. We aim to build a team that is diverse in every way. Doctoral students who have backgrounds underrepresented in the academy are especially encouraged to apply.
    > About the Fellowship
    > Graduate Fellows will be placed in educational development and instructional support roles on each of these campuses, and also participate as a cohort in extensive professional development and skill-building opportunities supported by and integrated with the Graduate Center’s Teaching and Learning Center, Futures Initiative, and other partners throughout the CUNY system. CUNY Humanities Alliance Fellows will be well-prepared for a range of careers in the humanities, inside and outside of the classroom.
    > Campus Projects
    > Graduate Fellows will be placed into one of the possible campus projects listed below. The final position assignments for the program will be determined during the selection process.
    > Borough of Manhattan Community College (3 fellows across up to 3 projects)
    > Learning Experience Design
    > The Learning Experience Design Fellow will work closely with BMCC faculty to create engaging, learner-centered / driven experiences for students. These learning experiences may incorporate open pedagogy and/or asset-based pedagogies, such as culturally sustaining pedagogy, trauma-informed pedagogy, and universal design for learning.
    > Mentored Undergraduate Research
    > The Undergraduate Research Fellow will work as a part of the research endeavor to provide enriching experiences to students. The Fellow will work with faculty and students to craft humanities research projects that will benefit both parties.
    > Experiential Learning
    > The Experiential Learning Fellow will work with interested faculty who have been trained and supported in academic service learning, Collaborative Online International Learning, and internship courses. The Fellow will work with faculty and staff, connect with community-based organizations, and help define internships for humanities students.
    > Guttman Community College (3 fellows in 1 project)
    > Arts in New York City
    > Arts in New York City is a required first-year course that exposes students to the creative movements, artistic genres, and cultural institutions of the city. Working with faculty and administrative support, these graduate fellows will contribute to the ongoing development of the course and its positioning in the larger Humanities curriculum at Guttman. Taking into consideration Guttman’s particular institutional goals and student community, this fellow will be involved in deep conceptual work and practical implementation that spans disciplines and approaches, and that will reach all Guttman students.
    > Hostos Community College (3 fellows across 2 projects)
    > Learning Communities
    > Faculty have been pairing across disciplines (e.g. ESL and HUM, or Art and English) to adapt their curriculum and teach as a learning community. We want to make these existing and new learning communities more structured and promote partnerships building across disciplines. Fellows will work directly with teaching faculty to design linked assignments and assessments and also with students in linked classes. Ideally, Fellows will also work with faculty to tell the story of these learning communities to a wider audience at Hostos and across CUNY through presentations and non-peer reviewed publications.
    > Humanities Experiential Learning
    > We have a robust Service Learning and Civic Engagement Committee that (SL-CE) designate courses as experiential learning opportunities (ELOs). Fellows will work with faculty who are interested in developing a service learning or civic engagement course and coordinate with the SL-CE Committee to facilitate syllabus revisions, implement pilot SL or CE projects, and work with the faculty and students. Ideally, Fellows will also work to tell the story of these service learning classes to a wider audience at Hostos and across CUNY through presentations and non-peer reviewed publications.
    > LaGuardia Community College (3 fellows across 2 projects)
    > Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)
    > Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) is a connective pedagogical practice in which faculty in different countries collaborate on designing assignments to engage their students in collaborative tasks via digital tools, such as video chat and web blogs. COIL enables educators to facilitate communication across difference, challenge monolithic and essentialist views of culture, and foreground students’ decision-making roles in COIL projects. By working with COIL faculty and students, LaGuardia’s COIL Fellow will gain experience with creating an intercultural toolkit for learners and educators, and with academic program management. The LaGuardia COIL Fellow will develop an understanding of the design of meaningful cultural exchange activities within a range of disciplines while also learning how COIL’s work aligns with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and other initiatives at LaGuardia and CUNY.
    > LaGuardia ePortfolio
    > The two LaGuardia ePortfolio HA Fellows will help design faculty and student ePortfolio showcases and workshops, co-curricular activities, and help facilitate the use of ePortfolio in career and transfer fairs for students majoring in programs in Humanities and Liberal Arts: Social Science & Humanities. Fellows may also help conduct student and faculty focus groups to help inform a 360-degree view of LaGuardia’s wide-ranging ePortfolio practice.
    > For More Information
    > For more information about the fellowship positions and how to apply, see the full call for applications [] (
    > If you have additional questions, come to the information session below or contact Kaysi Holman, Director of Programs and Administration for the CUNY Humanities Alliance, at <>.
    > February 3: Information Session
    > Wednesday, February 3, 2021
    > 11:00 am
    > Zoom – RSVP to connect [] (
    > Come to this information session to learn more about these new fellowship opportunities! Leaders from the CUNY Humanities Alliance and the four community college campus partners will overview the positions, and be available to answer questions.
    > This session will be recorded for those who cannot attend.
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