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Teaching and Learning Center

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Fw: For Faculty- Special Series on Generative AI: Spring Session 4 Registration is Open!

  • Please see below!

    Dear CUNY Community:

    The CUNY Office of Faculty Affairs team wishes everyone a wonderful start to the new semester. We are excited to announce the continuation of the 2023-2024 Teaching Matters special series on generative AI, provided by the CUNY Innovative Teaching Academy (CITA). In Spring 2024, after a successful Fall 2023 semester of three introductory sessions<*1634316675938-27bc6741-1040__;Iw!!GekbXoL5ynDpFgM!SuOYffv7hga84XgNn7SbdVuci9qEcmRP79A8bIq6_dtL_CS4c03MPe9vVqTIp84nUOKo788FUVF2jTgue2z4WEpk4XXwjsK-EJFnTVX_l6nCVSD6PA$ >, we are focusing more intentionally on topics exploring generative AI and its relationship to discipline-specificity usage (Session 4), collaboration with students and accessibility (Session 5), and humanistic skills beyond the classroom (Session 6).

    Spring 2024 Teaching Matters: Generative AI Series Sessions

    Session 4: Friday, February 16 (11a-12p)

    Teaching and Learning about and with AI: Discipline-Specific Ideas

    (Register here<;!!GekbXoL5ynDpFgM!SuOYffv7hga84XgNn7SbdVuci9qEcmRP79A8bIq6_dtL_CS4c03MPe9vVqTIp84nUOKo788FUVF2jTgue2z4WEpk4XXwjsK-EJFnTVX_l6kLWpQ3Aw$ >!)

    Session 5: Friday, March 8 (11a-12p)

    Using AI Collaboratively with Students: UDL, Open Pedagogy, and Accessibility (Registration will open on February 8)

    Session 6: April 12 (11a-12p)

    Equipping Students with Humanistic Skills in the Age of AI: From Classrooms to Careers and Beyond (Registration will open on March 14)

    More detailed information about the three sessions is below and in the attached flyer. Please share it widely with your networks.

    If you haven’t, we encourage you revisit the Fall 2023 series recordings and materials<*1634316675938-27bc6741-1040__;Iw!!GekbXoL5ynDpFgM!SuOYffv7hga84XgNn7SbdVuci9qEcmRP79A8bIq6_dtL_CS4c03MPe9vVqTIp84nUOKo788FUVF2jTgue2z4WEpk4XXwjsK-EJFnTVX_l6nCVSD6PA$ > before you join the spring session(s). Please email us at<> with the subject line “AI Question” if you have any questions.

    We are looking forward to robust, engaging conversations!

    Justin and Mari, on behalf of CUNY Central Office of Faculty Affairs,

    CITA Teaching Matters Team


    Spring 2024 Teaching Matters: Generative AI Series Sessions

    Session 4: Friday, February 16 (11a-12p)

    Teaching and Learning about and with AI: Discipline-Specific Ideas (Register here<;!!GekbXoL5ynDpFgM!SuOYffv7hga84XgNn7SbdVuci9qEcmRP79A8bIq6_dtL_CS4c03MPe9vVqTIp84nUOKo788FUVF2jTgue2z4WEpk4XXwjsK-EJFnTVX_l6kLWpQ3Aw$ >!)

    In this session, through small breakout working groups, we will explore discipline-specific and universal pedagogical ideas with and about AI. Participants will learn new and innovative pedagogical practices as they engage in facilitated discussion, sharing their own ideas. Session’s attendees, upon registering, will self-select among the following disciplines: STEM, Liberal Arts, Health Sciences (clinical health, allied health, and health systems), Business, or Interdisciplinary. A collaborative resource will be created based on the discipline-specific discussions that will be shared with the CUNY community. It is possible that these groups may develop into CUNY’s AI communities in the future.

    Session Leaders:

    Laura Scheiber, KCC

    Karan Puri, QCC

    Emma Tsui, SPH

    Spring Cooper, SPH

    Andrea Francis, LaG

    Sarah Perez, CCNY

    Kevaughn Hunter, CCNY

    Topics Include:

    * Brief review of the Fall 2023 series sessions
    * What discipline-specific pedagogical practices are used to teach about and with AI?
    * Can these practices be applied in other disciplines?

    Session 5: Friday, March 8 (11a-12p)

    Using AI Collaboratively with Students: UDL, Open Pedagogy, and Accessibility (Registration will open on February 8!)

    In this session, we will discuss and explore strategies on how to collaborate with students on the use of AI to increase student motivation and academic integrity. As part of the workshop, leaders will frame the conversation in student-centered principles and practices like universal design, open pedagogy, and accessibility. Participants will gain and understanding of students’ AI usage and how they may incorporate their knowledge, interests, and goals in their pedagogy to create inclusive and motivating classroom environments.

    Session Leaders:

    Milena Cueller, LaG

    Jessica Murray, Central

    Derek Stadler, LaG

    Topics Include:

    * How do students use AI, and why?
    * Students as collaborators and partners – UDL, Open Pedagogy, and other methods to empower students
    * Increasing academic integrity through active learning environments and student-instructor collaboration

    Session 6: April 12 (11a-12p)

    Equipping Students with Humanistic Skills in the Age of AI: From Classrooms to Careers and Beyond (Registration will open on March 14!)

    To conclude the Teaching Matters series on generative AI for the 2023-2024 academic year, we will focus on the humanistic and soft skills necessary for career planning and career-readiness such as emotional intelligence, social skills, and critical thinking. We will explore what AI cannot do and only humans do (for now). In this session, workshop leaders will highlight the importance of faculty to recognize the changing workforce landscape and strategies to support students as they plan for shifts across various sectors. Participants will learn about the “humanistic skills” that are increasingly sought after (e.g., NACE career-readiness competencies<;!!GekbXoL5ynDpFgM!SuOYffv7hga84XgNn7SbdVuci9qEcmRP79A8bIq6_dtL_CS4c03MPe9vVqTIp84nUOKo788FUVF2jTgue2z4WEpk4XXwjsK-EJFnTVX_l6lJOZR_FA$ >) in the age of AI and discuss how we nurture those skills in the classroom to prepare students for their careers and beyond. Participants will be provided the space to strategize on ways to build off of AI’s strengths to springboard into envisioning pedagogical practices that equip students will the understanding of AI and how it supports real-world professional practice.

    Session Leaders:

    Zach Muhlbauer, GC/Baruch

    Allison Leah-Samuels, Baruch

    Jose Diaz, City Tech

    Topics Include:

    * AI’s strengths and limitations in application
    * Identifying the types of skills employers want in the AI-age
    * Leveraging AI’s strengths to explore humanistic skills development in the classroom



    Donna K. Huaman (she/her/hers)

    Admin Associate, Center for LGBTQ Studies (CLAGS)

    Graduate Center, CUNY

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