Public Group active 3 weeks, 3 days ago

Teaching and Learning Center

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Fw: Apply to be part of a CUNY pedagogy workshop on October 7th — small stipends available

  • Please see below.

    -Marwa Answar

    From: Michael Greer <>
    Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2023 8:03 PM
    To: GC Teaching and Learning CTR <>
    Cc: Maria Victoria Salazar <>
    Subject: Apply to be part of a CUNY pedagogy workshop on October 7th — small stipends available

    Hello TLC!

    I hope this email finds you well. My name is Michael Greer, and me and my colleague Maria Salazar (cc’ed) are putting on a pedagogy workshop on October 7th at the GC. We have funding from the DGSC and OEOD to offer small stipends to CUNY participants. Would you mind sending out the flyer and email below to your listserv?

    The application deadline is Wednesday September 20th.

    Let us know if you have any concerns or questions, and thanks in advance for your help,



    Dear CUNY students,

    We wanted to take the time to send round the application link(;!!GekbXoL5ynDpFgM!UIBzsTq7B0MxGddJnIC2B9b36Lr3MdNibU5yIK_Zhsg3pfKu12Z-YlkmPrVpP2WlctVZj2u_sPgSsFD-1SOoouKK$) and flyer for the pedagogy workshop that we are the organizing on Saturday October 7th 2023.

    This workshop will facilitate a space for graduate student educators to reflect on how to foster good teaching environments for controversial issues, and be good interlocutors with each other on controversial issues. Harry Brighouse (University of Wisconsin-Madison) will lead the workshop.

    Thanks to funding from the DGSC and Office of Educational Opportunity and Diversity, our program committee has enough money to provide 11 small stipends to CUNY students to attend the workshop.

    To apply to the workshop please click this link:;!!GekbXoL5ynDpFgM!WscBmgIJCgNF_Wy7tZqYH59XKrtDox93qIfqIlPWnLV5ZCCJbDTgcXtX6AxKmZDKNLyuENWJn9X3cx2dS6VseywqxdfGW2ZUUQpFRVK-QzfVwWlZFA$ (;!!GekbXoL5ynDpFgM!UIBzsTq7B0MxGddJnIC2B9b36Lr3MdNibU5yIK_Zhsg3pfKu12Z-YlkmPrVpP2WlctVZj2u_sPgSsFD-1SOoouKK$). You must apply by midnight EST on Wednesday September 20th, 2023.

    Please check out our website;!!GekbXoL5ynDpFgM!WscBmgIJCgNF_Wy7tZqYH59XKrtDox93qIfqIlPWnLV5ZCCJbDTgcXtX6AxKmZDKNLyuENWJn9X3cx2dS6VseywqxdfGW2ZUUQpFRVK-QzeBQIWsjQ$ (;!!GekbXoL5ynDpFgM!UIBzsTq7B0MxGddJnIC2B9b36Lr3MdNibU5yIK_Zhsg3pfKu12Z-YlkmPrVpP2WlctVZj2u_sPgSsFD-1Q0TX8ny$)

    for more information about the graduate conference that precedes the workshop.

    Please direct any questions or concerns to<>.

    Thanks very much,

    GSCOPE committee

    Maria Salazar, Michael L. J. Greer


    Michael L. J. Greer


    PhD Candidate, CUNY-The Graduate Center (Philosophy)

    Senior Ethics Fellow at Mount Sinai Hospital, New York

    MALS Advising Fellow

    I don’t expect you to respond to my email outside your working hours. I respect your working pattern and I am looking forward to your response when you are at work.

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