Public Group active 3 weeks, 3 days ago

Teaching and Learning Center

This is a public group for the Graduate Center’s Teaching and Learning Center. Join for notifications of events, and to participate in conversations about teaching and learning on the TLC Forum.

Our website can be found at


Announcing this Week TLC Workshop

  • Dear colleagues,

    Please share this upcoming TLC workshop with students and faculty in your program.

    Thank you,

    Marwa Answar


    Marwa Answar

    APO, Teaching and Learning Center and Interactive Technology and Certificate Program

    The Graduate Center, CUNY

    365 Fifth Avenue, Room 3300

    New York, NY 10016<>

    Peer and Group Work

    Şule Aksoy

    Tuesday, March 12

    Online, 10:30 AM- 12 PM

    Group work is essential in STEM instruction for promoting student engagement, experiential learning, and scientific practice skills. This workshop will simulate how to structure group work and scaffold peer-led team learning for a variety of settings in CUNY classrooms.

    Zoom Registration<*/registration__;Iw!!GekbXoL5ynDpFgM!T9_Go7QlMo5iIw2tTnVW7J4oRESfwWGgWVHEfw4ZmymTettvLzCWRqPlrFBx3Tzf30Dn1jh99zCSczVIOUwxbh8TQw1MLnyDur-qPTdQoLfR6SNMig$ >

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