Public Group active 2 years, 2 months ago

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Art is the answer

  • Art is a complex word, it can be described and portrayed in many different ways. Art is a platform that brings people together through curiosity and wanting to understand the minds of the creator but what if art was used to highlight the similarities in people who are constantly at war ? Artist JR & Marco did just that. They came together to organize the biggest illegal art show that put Palestinians and Israelis together side by side and the results were astonishing. Both sides were asked to differentiate who was from where and could not do so. This work of art was essential to the people of Israel and Palestine because it highlighted the fact that there wasn’t much of a difference between the two, so what if we took this idea and did this across the world ? What if we did the side by sides art to the people of Haiti and Dominican Republic, Ukraine and Russia, Pakistan and India and other countries that are at war. It would be a break through for the people in each of the countries. To not be able to tell the difference between the enemy in which you have so much hatred towards, what would be the point of fighting each other at all ? Art could be the answer, it could eventually become bigger than just visual art, it could eventually become conversation between the two sides comparing and contrasting their goals and dreams through videography and having it stream through the cities. Art could be the mediator of war.

    Separation Wall Detail, Security Fence, Palestinian Side, 2006

    Image from:







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  • Dear Fiord, Do this photo project!! IT’s such a fascinating idea and a unique way to get us active. You’re right. What if we saw these border nations side by side? What if citizens within Ukraine and Russia saw portraits side by side? Would the realization that we’re all similar spark a change? I’m fascinated to hear more about the usefulness of art in promoting peaceful resolutions to particular border conflicts.


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