Private Group active 1 year, 2 months ago

SPS Faculty Community Group

This group was created to serve as a hub for information and communications for faculty teaching at the CUNY School of Professional Studies and to assist new faculty in getting oriented at SPS. Click on Forum on the community group menu to ask a question or participate in discussion threads for new faculty and by academic program. These forums are monitored by staff from the Office of Faculty Development and Instructional Technology as well as by academic directors and other SPS staff, so that if you ask a question, you are sure to get an answer!

Click on Files to view important documents for both new and returning SPS faculty such as the “Faculty Development and Blackboard Training for both New and Returning Faculty,” and “SPS Faculty Handbook.” The link on the community group menu to Blog will bring you to the SPS Faculty Community blog and landing page which provides links to training information and registration as well as to all our quick guides and tutorials. (The blog page is open to the public and does not require that you join or log in to read, so you may want to bookmark this page.) We also recommend that new faculty peruse the information on frequently asked questions through the FAQ link on the blog.

You will also want to set your email options for this group–the default is to receive notice of every change that is made. Use “email options” on the menu or the notice “your email status is” below this paragraph to set your preferences. In the Forum area, you can override your preferences to subscribe just to one or more threads by using the button to the right of a topic thread that says, “Follow” or “Mute” if you wish to get notifications of new activity for just those conversations.

This is a private group. To join you must be a registered site member and request group membership.