Public Group active 4 years, 4 months ago

Spring 2020 Sociology of Education

Instructor, Francine Almash


Revised Course Schedule and Assignments

  • Hello everyone. I am writing to let you know that the schedule has been updated on CUNY Commons. I have also attached a revised syllabus here in case you prefer that. Please take the time to review it and let me know if you have any questions. Below I have outlined the plan going forward. I realize there is a lot here, but please read to the end so that you know what is going on and what is expected going forward.

    Weekly assignments and posts:
    We will continue using Commons to post reflections, though you will now be required to respond to each other’s posts. For most of the upcoming weeks I have given you a question or issue to think about as you read and/or watch the assigned videos. You should review the assignment for each week before you start so that you in order to guide your reading/viewing.

    New “mid-term” and final paper:
    Rather than giving you one long paper as originally planned, I have created two shorter assignments. The new “mid-term” will be due before spring break. I will post the questions on Commons over the next few days so that you can start working on it. Your final paper is described in the assignment for May 13. It is a short policy paper on charter schools and school choice based on the readings and videos for that day.

    Class presentations:
    You should still expect to prepare a class presentation on the day you have been assigned. (Please check the schedule because I moved some dates around.) You can use the same guidelines posted on Commons, only instead of facilitating the class, you’ll be sharing your document with your classmates online. We will discuss this more as we go along.

    Weekly Live Chat:
    I have attached the results of the Doodle Poll regarding availability for the live chat. As of right now, the majority of people have signed up for 6:30 to 7:30, while only three people have said they are available for 7:30 to 8:30. Six people did not respond at all. This makes things a little complicated. My idea in splitting the class up is that in my experience, live meetings get complicated and glitchy when there’s more than 15 people or so. It’s certainly possible, but it’s not idea. I will run the live chat in whatever way works for you, but if a few more people could wither sign up for, or switch to the later session it would surely make things a bit easier.

    For the people who have not yet responded, please let me know as soon as possible whether you can or cannot participate. If you can, please let me know when.

    Once I have a final count for each group, I will set up a weekly meeting using Zoom. I have attached instructions for downloading and using Zoom to this email. You can access on a computer, tablet, or phone. I will send you a weekly invite and all you should need to do is click the link and join our meeting at the appointed time. Our first weekly meeting will take place on Wednesday March 25.

    It’s simple, but I expect there to be technical glitches, especially in the beginning, so please allow extra time for our first meeting in order to work these out.

    E-mails and Communication:
    I cannot stress enough how important it is that we stay in contact over e-mail—especially as we get this new system off the ground. At a minimum I ask that everyone confirm that you have received an e-mail. In return, if you e-mail me, I will do my best to respond in 24 hours or less.

    Finally, if you are in need of help regarding a laptop and/or Internet service at home there are two resources you may have already heard about: First, the CWE is has laptops to loan for the remainder of the semester to anyone who needs it. You can contact Dean Juan Carlos Mercado to arrange picking one up; second, if you need high speed Internet, Spectrum is offering free Internet to students for 60 days. To enroll your household in this Spectrum offer call 1-844-488-8395<tel:18444888395>.

    Please take the time to review the new schedule and the information in this email and let me know if you have any questions. Again, it helps me greatly if you confirm that you have received this message so that I can keep track of everyone now that we are not meeting face to face.

    Be well,

    Francine Almash

    Mellon Humanities Alliance Fellow
    PhD Student in Urban Education
    The Graduate Center-CUNY<>

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