Hello everyone. I might have mistakenly told you all that there would be no course evaluations this semester. Apologies for the mistake (each campus is handling it differently it turns out). Hunter is conducting evaluations and below is information on how you can access them online.
If you have any trouble, let me know.
Hunter College asks its students to complete a teacher evaluation for each of their instructors.
The evaluation period will be held from Thursday, May 14th through Friday, May 22nd
These evaluations will be conducted online. Students will be able to log in one of two ways using their Hunter netID and password:
Students will receive instructions for filling out their evaluation(s) via their Hunter email.
* The evaluation period has begun and an email was sent to your Hunter email account about this.
* You can use laptops/computers/smartphones to fill out the online version.
* The responses are completely anonymous, and that instructors can access results only after grades are released.
Francine Almash
Mellon Humanities Alliance Fellow
PhD Student in Urban Education
The Graduate Center-CUNY falmash@gradcenter.cuny.edu<mailto:falmash@gradcenter.cuny.edu>