Good evening everyone. I wanted to touch base about class this Tuesday since we did not meet in person this week. First, thank you to those of you who posted your reflections and comments. I have begun reading them—great work.
As a reminder, Tuesday is the day you will be creating a visual presentation on the section of the “History of Education” article. Your groups and page assignments are listed on the class website. I realized we did not take time to exchange emails last class, so I am including everyone’s emails below so that you can contact each other.
My suggestion is that you read your section (each of which is only about 4-5 pages) and create a google slide show that you and your partner can contribute to. Remember, your goal is not create a chronological timeline, but rather to tell us the story of education for the period you are reading about. Some suggestions on how to do this are:
* Pull out the main points that you want us to know. For example, what was the goal of schooling at this time? What factors shaped what was happening in education? What about schooling then is the same or different today? (These are just ideas for questions that you can use if they apply, or come up with you own.)
* Provide some visuals to go along with your text. Google some key words and see what kinds of images come up.
* Use videos. Again, Google the time period, the key ideas from you section, etc. and see what you find under Videos.
* As always, try to make connections to the conversations we have been having in class, to your experiences as a student, to your thoughts about teaching.
Remember to include ONE QUIZ QUESTION and send it to my by Monday night so that I can create a document for class. You should also send me a DRAFT of your presentation by Monday night. Don’t stress about this if it’s not complete. However, if you would like my feedback before class, the earlier you get your draft to me, the better.
Finally, there is a short article by John Dewey also on the website. You should read that before class and be prepared to discuss is. Originally I was going to have you write a reflection on this article, but I want to give you time to focus on your presentations.