Go to Dashboard –> Settings –> Excerpt. This plug in allows you to determine how many words or sentences are previewed from each of your posts and pages. I recommend […]
we would have a theme with a BOLD site title, a brief tagline, and fixed menu. We would have full-width pages, no empty sidebar space, and simple colors. For now, we have a few dozen […]
The goal of this new editor is to make adding rich content to WordPress simple and enjoyable. This whole post is composed of pieces of content—somewhat similar to LEGO b […]
Students in Professor Rodriguez’s course will post their weekly reading reflections (or “zaps”) on their digital portfolios. They will also archive research notes and their […]
Digital portfolios in Professor Aptekar’s course will be used to share feedback and assessment, between her and her students as well as between students. While grades are […]
A lot of planning goes into setting up your digital portfolio. Come to office hours to identify your goals and figure out how to best use a digital portfolio to […]
Check out the digital portfolios from Professor Attoh’s course, Classical Approaches to Urban Studies. This course helped students engage with central themes that […]
On CUNY Commons, you may create and edit your posts and pages using Classic Editor (see image on the right), which is a text editor with formatting […]
Know your Settings and Boundaries.When reflecting on your work, consider both your site’s privacy settings and your boundaries on the content you share.
CUNY Academic Commons is a neat open-source platform […]