Public Group active 3 months, 1 week ago

Higher Education Certificate Program at Baruch

This is a site created to inform CUNY staff and faculty about the Higher Education Executive Certificate Program in Educational Research at Baruch’s School of Public Affairs and to encourage the sharing of ideas and challenges in the field that will continue to shape the program.


Announcement by School of Public Affairs Office of Executive Programs on 4/3/12

  • Announcing our Outstanding Faculty: Finance, Colin Chellman, director, office of policy research, CUNY; Logic Model/Institutional Research: John Choonoo, director, institutional research and assessment, Baruch College; Research methodology, Jonathan Engel, professor/assoc dean, School of Public Affairs (SPA), Baruch; Higher Ed policy and history, Rachel Smith, asst professor, SPA, Baruch; Managing Org Change, Richard Hochhauser, former ceo/president Harte-Hanks, Inc; Leadership, David Mensah, consultant in leadership training/executive coaching; Assessment/Evaluation, Mosen Auryan, Director, Assessment, Hunter College. More info on faculty to follow. Register at:

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