Public Group active 3 months, 1 week ago

Higher Education Certificate Program at Baruch

This is a site created to inform CUNY staff and faculty about the Higher Education Executive Certificate Program in Educational Research at Baruch’s School of Public Affairs and to encourage the sharing of ideas and challenges in the field that will continue to shape the program.


Announcement by School of Public Affairs Office of Executive Programs on 1/13/12

  • Spring 2012 (April-May)

    Higher Education Executive Certificate Program in Educational Research

    Gain a new perspective and the tools you need to excel.

    “I thought the five days were fantastic!”
    “It was an amazing program and experience.”

    Over five full Fridays this spring you will explore the practical application of leading-edge thinking around key concepts and theories in educational research. This executive certificate program is led by Dr. John Choonoo, Baruch College’s Director of Institutional Research and Program Assessment, and yields concrete benefits for you individually and for your organization.

    Learn Core Skills in: Subject Areas Include:

    • Finance • Educational Research Overview
    • Financial Aid • Research Methodology
    • Admissions • Program Evaluation
    • Student Development • Institutional Research & Data Collection
    • Special Programs • Effective Data Presentation

    What You’ll Learn:

    • Local, State and Federal Educational Policies and Mandates
    • Strategic Planning for a Dynamic Education Environment
    • Role of Institutional Data in Planning, Reporting and Evaluating Programs
    • Impact of Accountability Requirements on Your Institution

    Who Should Attend:

    • College and University Officers and Campus Business Directors

    Praise from Higher Ed Exec Program Grads:
    “I have worked in higher education for over 16 years… Over those years, the field grew into my passion. Since the Higher Education Executive Certificate Program, I continue to be amazed at what I have learned and still have to learn. The program challenged me to think about how I can affect the quality of student life, academic operations, and school culture…” Continuing Education Coordinator, LIM College

    “The program was an unexpected surprise… It was both a refreshment course and a wake-up call…and [it] served as a reminder about the importance of staying updated and sharing experiences with colleagues…” Associate Director of Graduate Admissions, Zicklin School of Business

    The Higher Education Executive Certificate Program runs Fridays, April 20 – May 18, 2012.
    Five days, 9 am – 4 pm (includes a final capstone session)
    Breakfast, lunch, and all materials are included. Tuition: $1,925.

    Register at: with course # HED0710A.
    Or contact Linda Lees, Director, Office of Executive Programs,, 646-660-6718

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