Public Group active 2 years, 2 months ago

Revolutionizing American Studies

This group is one of the arms of the Revolutionizing American Studies initiative, the fuller description of which is available at its partner blog site: Here, we hope that the conversations generated through the various events that constitute the initiative can continue beyond their immediate here and now. We welcome posts from any and all and look forward to realizing the potential of Revolutionizing American Studies!


  • Announcement by Kandice Chuh on 10/31/11

    Dear Everyone:

    It was great to see so many CUNY people at the ASA convention in Baltimore earlier in October. Whether or not you were able to attend, you might be interested in the blog posts 'reporting' back on CUNY-affiliated sessions held that — please see and for starters (with thanks to Frances Tran and Justin Rogers-Cooper for getting the ball rolling, and big thanks to GC President William Kelly, who not only makes possible the RevAmStudies initiative, but who in specific made available resources for our reporting collaborators to attend the meeting).

    If you are not officially affiliated to CUNY, please remember to activate (register) your membership in the Academic Commons! Big thanks here to Matt Gold, who has been actively working with us to make the virtual sites of this initiative come to life. (Those of you who fall into this category should have received an email explaining how to go about joining the Academic Commons — please give a holler if you have misplaced that email or just need help otherwise. We'll write again to follow up on that separately.)

    In November, we are delighted to be hosting Priscilla Wald (see the attached poster for details), who will be participating in the RevAmStudies seminar on Thursday, 3 November, at 4p (room 8201.01), and offering a public lecture on Friday, 4 November, at 4p (room 4406), the latter event cosponsored with the PhD Program in English. Professor Wald is the current President of the American Studies Association, and is the author of such books as Constituting Americans and Contagious. In both the seminar and the lecture, she will be inviting us to think through American studies from the point of entry of genomics; it is fascinating stuff, not to be missed!

    Please also keep an eye out for an announcement to follow regarding Anne McClintock's lecture, now scheduled for Thursday, 17 November — details to follow!

    Hope you all enjoyed the unexpected blast of winter this weekend, and happy Halloween!

    Kandice & Duncan

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