This group showcases the journalistic work of its members, who have been honing their writing style and are now lending their voices to advocate for a local organization they’ve chosen to support.
After having done research on the Wildlife Conservation society, I was able to create an interview with the chair of the organization.
Daisy: What motivated you to want to join the Wildlife Conservation Society?
What motivated me to join the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) was truly what they stand for and their responses/solutions to any possible threats. WCS always makes sure that they are protecting their animals and forests, and what’s better than protecting the planet we live on!
Daisy: What title do you have at WCS?
At WCS, I was fortunate enough to have been given the title of Chair. “The world’s biodiversity is facing threats from all angles. Wilderness areas are vanishing and fauna and flora species are facing extinction like never before. The team at WCS is relentless in its efforts in this urgent fight to preserve nature for wildlife and humanity. I am honored to have been elected by the WCS trustees as Chair.”
Daisy: How are you going to help make a difference at WCS?
As the chair of WCS, I will always make sure that all team members are on board with each goal and desired accomplishments. Communicating with our members helps us to work better together as a team to then be able to achieve our goals. This then makes us stronger together as a team which will lead to positive outcomes and healthy forests and animals.
Daisy: Who do you work alongside at WCS?
I work alongside other amazing individuals who see the same future as I do. We are all part of the board of trustees at the WCS. The board of trustees is then broken down into different categories. We have the Board officers which consists of the vice chair, secretary, treasurer. We have the elected trustees, the ex officio trustees, life trustees, and trustees emeriti.
Daisy: Why WCS?
My answer for this is very similar to the first. I strongly believe in what WCS stands for. I know our organization can make a difference for our animals and forests. We also strive to assure we have as many people involved as possible to make a difference.