The antitheses of radical care
Achille Mbembe; Necropolitics. Public Culture 1 January 2003; 15 (1): 11–40.
In this essay, Mbembe argues that the ultimate manifestation of authority is expressed as having t […]
The guiding questions that lead to the creation of A Journey through Care: Healing Justice and Arts were 1. How do Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and API girls and TGNC youth experience care? And un-care? 2. How do t […]
Hey everyone, my unessay is on instagram. You shouldn’t need an account to access it since my profile is public.
The statement […]
You are right, Syd–it’s short but effective. These are powerful stories and such great illustrations of the concepts we have discussed all semester. I love how you are adding to this great website that you […]
This is so very beautiful and incredible!
Hi all,
Click the link below and take a gander when most convenient!
Again, best of luck to you all in your current and future endeavors!!
UnEssay: A Pre-Service Course Designed to Develop Embodied Anti-Racism in White Educators
You can read the full proposal, along with some suggested activities, a list of programs and teachers doing the work of […]
The guiding question I’m using for my UnFinal project is, “How is the tradition of classroom care passed on?” I will share a piece of my 2nd exam that addresses this question through a Black educational histor […]
Here is my website. For now, the lesson plans are what I focused on. I plan to develop the resources, readings and my blog as times goes on. Thank you all for a wonderful semester. 🙂
Guiding Questions:
In what immediate ways can care transform the classroom for both students and teachers?What does care look like in a school system driven by capitalism? Can those even coexist?How can care […]
Please see the link below to “A Radical Care Table Talk” (And Yes it’s a play off the Jada Pinkett-Smith Red table talk minus the the extra stuff)
Guiding questions: “Care” What does care look like when it is […]
So you know how at the beginning of the semester Rosa posed the question ‘How do you measure radical care?’ and I was feeling spicy and responded ‘Should we???’? Remember that? Okay well I am about to be the […]
Project Overview
The Education for Liberation Playlist is a lyrical and visual exploration of what education for liberation can look like, feel like, and sound like. Both a personal reflection and an […]
Radical Mapping to Locate Critical Hope, Love, and Care
map-poem #10: Mapping to Disrupt Racist Policies and Practices Inside and Outside of Schools (Burlington, VT , 7/26/19)
Keywords and colors: […]
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