Public Group active 1 month, 1 week ago

PUG – Python User’s Group

Python User’ Group (or PUG for short) is an open and informal collaborative space for experimentation and exploration with the Python programming language. It is an opportunity for those interested in Python to work together virtually and find support. Whether you are looking for advice or assistance with new or current projects, looking to discuss and learn new skills using Python tools, or to join us to play around with our collection of sample datasets, PUG is your place!

PUG is open to people of all skill levels, disciplines, and backgrounds. Complete beginners to Python will find a place here. Come, and let’s learn together.

Join PUG Slack here:

PUG is cosponsored by the MA in Digital Humanities / MS in Data Analytics and Visualization programs and the Mina Rees Library.

To learn more, visit


  • Upcoming workshops (visualization in Python and HTML/CSS)

    Hi PUGers,

    Hope you’re all having a good semester so far. On Monday April 11th and Monday April 25th, I’m offering workshops on presenting your work, including a workshop on creating visualizations with Python and an introduction to modern HTML/CSS. Please fill out the below form to register. My thanks to the Publics Lab at the Graduate Center, CUNY for allowing me to offer seats in these workshops.

    Workshop Signup Form

    All workshops will take place from 6 PM to 7:30 PM. Reminders and Zoom links will be sent out to registered participants. If you would like to attend the workshop, but cannot attend due to a conflict, you can register and you will receive a recording after the workshop.

    Monday, April 11th: Creating Visualizations with Python
    Monday, April 25th: Introduction to Modern HTML and CSS

    Please reach out to with any questions.


    Creating Visualizations with Python
    Monday, April 11th
    6:00 – 7:30 PM

    When working with data, a visualization such as a bar or pie chart, line graph, or scatterplot can summarize and communicate information effectively. Charts and visualizations can augment an argument laid out in a paper, report, tweet, or blog post.

    In this 90-minute workshop, we’ll work with a small data set in CSV format, creating a pie chart, bar chart, line chart, and scatterplot. We will also change the presentation of these charts, and learn how to export them to a file. Though no prior experience with Python is necessary, some familiarity with Python and/or Pandas basics may be helpful, so you may wish to view the recording of the introduction to Pandas workshop held earlier in the semester.


    Introduction to Modern HTML and CSS
    Monday, April 25th
    6:00 – 7:30 PM

    HTML is a markup language that describes the structure of documents on the web, and CSS determines the presentation of these documents. Knowing HTML and CSS allows you to create or edit web pages and websites, and is useful when working with modern tools for web development such as content management systems (such as WordPress), frontend frameworks (such as Bootstrap), and static site generators (such as Jekyll).

    In this 90-minute workshop, we will learn how HTML elements are defined, how CSS rules apply to HTML elements, and how the box model determines how web pages are laid out. We’ll also incorporate a modern frontend framework, Bootstrap 5, and discuss how a grid system can create responsive (mobile-friendly) websites. No prior experience is required.

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