Public Group active 5 years, 3 months ago

Psych 170 (Sec 02): Psychology of Human Sexuality

Welcome to Psych 170 (Section 02): Psychology of Human Sexuality! Throughout the Fall of 2019, we will study the psychological foundations of sexual development and response patterns in human behavior; gender roles (male/female/many other possibilities); individual and social attitudes; the relationship between sex and the city; and legal issues related to gender and human sexuality.

This group is designed to be a resource to support and expand your coursework on human sexuality this semester. Through this group, we can share files and documents, and maintain a discussion forum and calendar. This group is also linked to our course site.

Avatar Photo by Dimitar Belchev on Unsplash


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    Cindy Cajamarca joined the group
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    Carolina Lara started the topic Sex Advice

    If I had to give sex advice to a young girl who is curious about sex, it would be to first learn your body. I would advise her to try masturbating, so she can better know her body and ways that she can climax. I feel like masturbating before having sex for the first time, can not only help you but also your partner in making sure you feel as…[Read more]

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