Private Group active 10 months, 2 weeks ago

Practical Teaching for Resilient Learning 2023-34 Zoom Group

Why We’re Here

We experience ourselves and our students through overlapping histories, environments, and individual constellations of circumstances, families, and choices. How we teach and learn are deeply embedded in these shared and unique identities. In this seminar, focused on connecting our practical teaching with our students’ resilient learning, we will increase our understanding of learning impacts of systemic oppression, neurodiversity and mental health, and trauma as we learn ourselves how to better design our teaching and respond to student learning challenges.

Learning objectives:
1. Familiarize participants with JJ student identities, contexts, and data gaps.
2. Be able to define trauma separately from crisis and to identify primary observable manifestations of trauma in student behavior and communications.
3. Be able to distinguish mental health and learning conditions from temporary circumstantial impacts on attention, memory, production, and performance.
4. Be able to define systemic oppression, to describe large group identity, and to differentiate intersectional experiences of oppression.
5. Be confident in designing and implementing 2 or more assignments and syllabus changes that reflect understanding of students’ needs related to trauma, mental health, and systemic oppression.

This group is our asynchronous meeting place during the seminar. We will use this group to share and respond to each other’s reflections and discoveries, to contribute to and to use resources as we increase our learning, and to keep track of dates and times when we are scheduled to meet or post.

The Library hosts folders for resources and assignments. The Forum hosts discussions for communication. The Events host the schedule of meeting and due dates. Please explore!

This is a private group. To join you must be a registered site member and request group membership.