Public Group active 2 years, 2 months ago

Popular Culture at CUNY

For those interested in teaching or researching any area of popular culture. Soon to be be appearing: Across Genres, a blog about popular culture.


  • Face to Face? Let’s meet this semester?

    Hi: I’ll be seeing some of the librarian folks in the group tonight (unless we all get washed away in the storm).

    I was bummed out the Northeast Popular Culture conference was in Massachusetts again this year. Is anyone going/presenting? And who’s planning to go to/present (usually one doesn’t go without presenting 😉 at PCA or ACA?

    Any ideas about what we can do with this group? Do we want to:

    1. share our scholarship informally, e.g. get together for drinks?
    2. do the occasional program? I really like how the Metro American Studies Association (NYMASA) brings in book authors for their salons held usually at Hunter College. We could model ourselves on them on a more modest scale. They do a conference and have a newsletter. That sounds very ambitious but I like the idea of modeling ourselves on them to some extent.
    3. (this is very daring) consider starting an open access journal!?

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  • All your ideas are appealing, Monica! There’s plenty of room (and likely desire) for a salon and more open access journals at CUNY. I’d be up for getting together at some point this semester. I’m more likely to be able to meet during workday hours. Is that feasible for people? I guess not for drinks, but we could have two kinds of meetings…

    And another idea along related to a salon. Is anyone else out there a listener of the Slate Culture Gabfest?
    I’m sure there are more than a few among us who know how to make podcasts (myself not included). This is something we could think about doing for CUNY Radio.

    These sound like great ideas! Perhaps we can start by meeting events already scheduled like the upcoming NY Comicon and NY Anime Festival, both being held at the Jacob Javits Center this coming weekend October 8-10.
    Free admission is available to both events for librarians and educators … with the added advantage of “Professional Only Hours” for the Anime Festival on Friday, October 8; from 10 AM to 1 PM!
    So, anyone available to meet for breakfast on Friday morning or Saturday morning?

    More information about “professional registration can be found at:

    I might be able to go on Friday. I am developing our graphic novels collection for my library, so I can justify the time away. Saturday, I’m busy.

    Maybe I’ll start a thread on graphic novels–there so many out there and I could always use some recommendations.

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