Public Group active 2 years, 5 months ago

Poets Together!

tuesdays 215 to 4

And permanent Zoom link:


  • ?hello dear all, and for the moment, happy holidays I hope we are all taking, and the. new year I hope we all persevere into!

    surrealisms ahoy, and we will all who are with our reading group (inscribed or not in a program at the grad center) be speaking in the first time together about our contemporary interest in surrealisms and so on, and figuring where we go next, and anyone wanting to come in now and then, that is fine, we are of course very deliberately informal…

    let me list the persons now who have contacted me at some point, or whom I had listed before, about this coming spring or semester and add or take yourself off the list if you feel like it:

    we will be meeting on these Tuesdays in all probability, and I shall send a link before, if all goes well

    Tuesday feb 2 2:15-4; Tues feb 9 2:15-4; Tues feb. 16 2:15-4; Tues feb. 23 2:15-4; Tues. march 2. 2:15-4 (when we all sum up what we have been doing or thinking or writing or everything…)

    participants in any category, independent study in some program (then let me know) or/and interested in discussing the BROAD topic – and correct my spelling, etc.

    and from last semester:

    Chiara Caputi

    Andrew Fan

    Lynn Edouard

    Madeleine Barnes

    Patricia Brody

    Sandra G Lehnert

    Chris Campanioni

    Maureen Fadem

    Tayt Harlin

    Tom Kozlowski

    Pat Laurence

    Farah Smith

    Marianna Rosen

    ?Josh Wilner

    Eric Dean Wilson

    Mary Ann Caws

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