Public Group active 1 year, 11 months ago

Poets Together!

tuesdays 215 to 4

And permanent Zoom link:



  • hello dear friends, will be seeing you at 4:30 today, the “Monday” today time!

    here is a thing: I would love us to talk about Roland Barthes and John Berger, and we can get there later today or next week but I would love to show you, if I can manage it, some texts I photographed to share with you, from Texts for Nothing, and Disjecta ?(those Miscellaneous Writings and part of the “drama” of the narrator (blind,l deaf, etc.) crawling through the mud, called How it Is, all brilliantly edited by Ruby Cohn, who cared a lot) and a few passages from the insuperable Watt and I might read a bit from John Calder’s Beckett Reader ?and the other texts… will see, because

    we all want to hear what each of you are working on, so I will try not to submerge us all in the Beckett universe: you know, as he said: “Fail! Fail better!” Very encouraging in these times!

    next week is Tuesday (real Tuesday, and we will miss Chris, who teaches then) because the big deal biography of women thing is Monday, and the next class is Wed. the 14 again because of the GC schedule, whew, and best to each,

    until soon,

    Mary Ann


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