Public Group active 10 months, 1 week ago

Open Education at CUNY

A group devoted to making education open, accessible, and public through the use of open-source tools and non-proprietary software platforms.

Group avatar by akashgoyal


  • Has this been discussed here?

    I got this email below today, as you may have as well, from Joe MacArthur, who also founded the Open Access Button.  I believe we have talked about that.




    Hi Beth,

    After a fantastic response to our release of earlier this year I’m so excited to say that for Libraries is ready to start helping you get more deposits with less work! Since you\’ve signed up for early access, we\’re letting you know ahead of a full public announcement while we do some finishing touches.
    Today you can now try a quick interactive demosee our partner libraries version, and use our setup page to adjust settings to your liking and rollout the tool. If you like what you see, feel free to roll out the tool publicly.
    We know that this moment still represents a deeply unusual and challenging time. If that means you don’t have time to look, we totally understand. If you’d like a personal walkthrough, just let me know. We’d love to show it off, answer your questions, and get your input.


    Joseph McArthur
    Director and Co-founder, Open Access Button
    Twitter: @Mcarthur_Joe & @OA_ButtonIf you\’d rather not hear big news from us, you can unsubscribe.


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