Public Group active 1 week ago

Open Education at CUNY

A group devoted to making education open, accessible, and public through the use of open-source tools and non-proprietary software platforms.

Group avatar by akashgoyal


  • New Site – No Free View? No Review!

    You may have seen information about this posted elsewhere including ALA\’s Scholcomm.
    This is a new site that launched today.  As the organizers state on their blog:

    \”We just launched our new campaign No free view? No review! to encourage researchers to turn down requests to review for closed-access publications. This is just an attempt to publicize a commitment that many of us have had for a long time now. Having this public pledge is useful to explain our stance to editors requesting reviews from us, and should hopefully encourage others to adopt similar positions. There are many other boycott calls or petitions around open access, but we were missing one that concentrated specifically on reviewing, without targeting a particular publisher or academic field.\”

    The organization behind this is CAPSH (Committee for the Accessibility of Publications in Sciences and Humanities) a French nonprofit association promoting the open access to academic publications. It is in charge of the Dissemin project.

    Understandably, for this petition to have any impact researchers in many fields will have to sign. Early signatories all appear to be in computer science and mathematics.

    Thanks for taking a look.


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