Public Group active 1 week, 1 day ago

Open Education at CUNY

A group devoted to making education open, accessible, and public through the use of open-source tools and non-proprietary software platforms.

Group avatar by akashgoyal


Learn About Hosting a Class In the Open and Inviting the World to Register

  • Hi Open Ed folk. This past summer I participated in an open online course out of the University of Mary Washington created by CUNY alum Jim Groom. His course focuses on digital storytelling and has registered students and open participants set up their own domains with a blog and then post assignments which feed into the course site

    It was amazing to see the level of engagement that occurred – very quickly it was hard to tell which students were registered and which were taking the course for their own personal enrichment. Besides posting and commenting on blogs, instructors and students used a number of open tools to communicate and collaborate including Twitter, Skype,, and even an open online radio station.

    This fall I’ve been given the opportunity to teach a York College digital storytelling class through the site and welcome those interested to take a look or even register as an open participant if you’re inclined. It’s a great community to get involved with as it attracts a number of educational technologists interested in open ed.



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