Public Group active 5 days, 18 hours ago

Open Education at CUNY

A group devoted to making education open, accessible, and public through the use of open-source tools and non-proprietary software platforms.

Group avatar by akashgoyal


  • Gardner Campbell on Digital Citizenship, Baruch College, 3/6

    Apologies for cross posting. Please see below. Gardner is a brilliant thinker and a fantastic speaker. Not to be missed though space is limited.

    Dr. Gardner Campbell, Virginia Tech
    Digital Citizenship

    Tuesday, March 6, 6:00 pm
    Newman Vertical Campus, Room 14-280
    Please RSVP to or 646 312 2065

    Can computer networks give us the potential to improve the human condition through the wise use of increased free time, expanded brain function, and innovations that harness collective intelligence? If so, how can teaching, learning, and research improve our chances of realizing that potential?What can universities do to prepare students for productive and fulfilling lives as digital citizens?

    Dr. W. Gardner Campbell is the Director of Professional Development and Innovative Initiatives in the Division of Learning Technologies at Virginia Tech, where he also serves as Associate Professor of English. He recently moved to Virginia Tech from Baylor University where he was the founding director of the Academy for Teaching and Learning and an Associate Professor of Literature, Media, and Learning at Baylor’s Honors College. Prior to that, Campbell was a Professor of English at the University of Mary Washington, where he also served as the Assistant Vice President for Teaching and Learning Technologies. He is a Fellow of the Frye Leadership Institute, past Chair of the Electronic Campus of Virginia, and currently serves on the Board of Directors for the New Media Consortium and the Advisory Board for the National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education.

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