Public Group active 8 years, 1 month ago

Nursing Educators at CUNY

A place for CUNY nursing educators to share news and content, ask questions, and collaborate on anything of interest to the community. We hope this group will serve as an open forum for information exchange and networking across the 13 schools and programs of nursing at CUNY.

Members are encouraged to share news and developments from their campus, explore teaching strategies and instructional technology, circulate upcoming conferences and events, post articles and job opportunities, and more.

Originally a learning space for members of the New York City Nursing Education Consortium in Technology (NYCNECT), we welcome colleagues who share a passion for preparing nursing students to become expert clinicians and, in turn, to improve the safety and quality of patient care.

Moderators Wanted!

We are looking for volunteers interested in moderating this group. If you would like to take a more active role in facilitating discussion and sharing news and resources with the community, please contact Shawn McGinniss at



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    Educators can assist by ensuring that nurses and nursing students, as well as consumers are aware of “telehealth” and are competent to incorporate it’s concepts into the care delivery model. We must understand the concepts as well as be knowledgeable enough to speak intelligently on the topic. This knowledge will be disseminated to our students as well as our patients and the community in which we practice.

    There are a variety of things that we can do – of course reading about telehealth activities as well as trends and issues is a good place to start. the module provided many resources. Speaking with others who are using it in the field is also helpful. Community health nurses in some agencies are using it in varying degrees and hospital based disease managment groups also have experinece with telehealth. As educators, working this into simulations can be useful. The equipment is changing and geting more mobile all the time but even using earlier equipment and edatabases of sample cases in a simulation can be useful. We will be opening a lab this week that simulates a community environment – so our community health course will be among the first to use it. I can see the use expanding to our course focused on care of the older adult as well.
    My best,

    This is a very interesting module. There is a lot of information that demonstates the positive towards using telehealth. Telehealth can be cost effective and prevent exacerbation of a disease. Two of the most interesting reads were the billing and nurse retention in home care. It will be great when all cars have telehealth in them to monitor the driver during the daily commute. Talk about multi-tasking!!!

    Teleheath moves us forward in the nursing education of our students and keeps us updated in new technology for our patients. By using this technology we can prevent hospitalization of our elderly patients. Increasing the safety of our patients continues to be our goal. Implementing standards of care in the home with CMS guidelines and the monitoring of our patients provides excellent care. We can speak with our patients as needed in a timely fashion. Timely and appropriate for the interesting topic.

    Recently I was teaching students about quality improvements initatives. I found a video on the AHRQ Innvovations website ( The is video is titled “Heart Failure Disease Managment Improves Outcomes & Reduces Cost”. A heart failure patient is remotely monitored and his medications are adjusted and he avoids hospitalization. If you have the time watch the video. It is a great example of telemedicine.

    The NLN Living Book was great! More learning modules should be that interactive.

    I think telehealth also offers tremendous opportunities for inter-professional practice. Portable technology such as iPads can allow visiting nurses to coordinate care with the patient, nurse practitioner/physician, and other health care providers right in the patient’s home. I believe health care will continue to leave the hospital and expand in the community setting. The use of technology to promote inter-professional, collaborative, patient centered care is an exciting thought.

    Nursing faculty needs to first gain familiarity with teleheath modalities and then pull these living examples into curriculum. The community health nursing course is a great opportunity for engagement as we talk about the integration of technology in healthcare while at the same time addressing the ballooning geriatric population and shift of care to the community setting. This “perfect storm” creates a need for the use of care support such as teleheath. There is also an opportunity to pull the use of such modalities into simulation as some colleges such as CSI have begun to do by obtaining a teleheath unit for students to practice use and integration into patient care.

    This section is so timely for Team Red, as our project will focus on interaction of the students with telehealth/telenursing !
    I have had some personal and professional expossure to telehealth modalities. I think telehealth, as documented in the articles helps to reach/provide health management to the homebound and the chronically afflicted.
    We will be taking advantage of our technological resources to introduce our students to telehealth in collaboration with QCC.

    It is imperative for faculty members to become familiar with telehealth. It would be beneficial for community health students to be exposed to this via simulation. Community agencies already have been using this as well as the V.A. system. Students should be made aware of this even at their beginning nursing class.

    This is a very interesting module. The information provided highlighted how tele health/telemedicine can be used interchangeably and should be part of the nursing cirrculum incorporated with simulation, but before this information can be taught to students ,educators must first have adequate knowledge. Telehealth uses updated technology to assist in managing chronic diseases, reducing health care cost and assisting in the nursing shortage. I am looking forward to learn more on this great module.

    Nursing faculty has to become more familiar with tele-health and informatics. The community health centers , hospitals and home based nursing services have already begun to utilize this technology. To manage chronic diseases and reduce hospital readmissions.

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